My 22nd betta, Sam

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Hang in there Sam!! Know what you mean about the color. It was three days before Vince was anything but gray. But once they start to show it comes pretty quickly. If he's made it through the trip home and into his tank, you've got a decent chance with him. Keep us posted!!
Yeah, that's kind of what I thought.

Oh, he also survived me crushing his cup around him - totally by accident.
I have a really wide mouthed 1/2 gallon little bowl and had decided I wanted to put his cup inside that, and then just let him sort of float out. Well, in trying to squeeze his little cup so I could fit it inside the mouth of the cup, it cracked into oh - like 5 pieces. :crazy:
So, he just got sort of poured into his new tank.

He's been thru a lot.
We'll see what else he can get thru :)
BettaMomma said:
And Elvy - you should have seen these poor boys. There were at least 3 that were in the same situation as he was in. 2 had horrible swim bladder problems and laid sideways on the top of the water. One was hanging on the inside of one of the tanks in one of those little plastic boxes with vents on the side (along side several others) whose fins looked like swiss cheese. They probably had a total of like 70 bettas there. It was really, really hard to pick just one. At one point, I had 7 of them in my basket.

I just couldn't figure out what in the world I would have done with 7 bettas.
I'll keep ya all posted.
Wow, that does sound aweful indeed ... perhaps after you've gotten Sam into great health you can put him up for adoption and go and get more from the same place! :p

Good to hear he's doing slightly better though ... or rather, is still alive. I hope he will be when you get home too. He'll be a right fighter if he is :)

My experiences today were a lot better! But I'm sure I'll tell you about that later on today or tomorrow :)
Poor lil guy. At least he got picked up by you and some some screaming todler who dumps him in one of those glass blocks. 22 bettas is a lot :) Yopu should have a special betta party when you get to 25 :D Hey, any exscues is a goodun :p
Well, 4 of them have died so technically I only have 18.
And 6 of them are girls who share a tank.
And 2 of them are on tanks on my desk at work.
SO.... in reality I ONLY have 10 fish at home.
and 4 of them are in shared divided tanks.
So really I only have 8 tanks.

Hmm... looking at it that way... I should run out and pick up a few more....
hmm..... do you do it? My husband is about to start buying the dog food to keep me away from the pet store. There is no way I can get another fish in here and I only have a 2.5 divided tank and a 10 gal sorority.

He thinks I am a crazy bleeding heart, ugh. I wish he would think they were cool, then I would have an excuse.

BettaMomma said:
Well, 4 of them have died so technically I only have 18.
And 6 of them are girls who share a tank.
And 2 of them are on tanks on my desk at work.
SO.... in reality I ONLY have 10 fish at home.
and 4 of them are in shared divided tanks.
So really I only have 8 tanks.

Hmm... looking at it that way... I should run out and pick up a few more....
Well then, there ya go :) And I'm sure no one would notice an extra little room or 5 full of bettas ;)
The sad thing is that there is ONLY one room in my house that does not have a betta in it. And I would put one (or several) in it, except of the hair spray danger factor. (the bathroom - heh!)

So I have 3 in my bedroom.
And 3 in my kitchen.
And 8 in my living room.
and 2 in my son's room.

and FYI - I don't ask first, I just bring them home. We're to the point at our place where nobody really notices just one more, or even cares. They feel bad for me when one dies because I mope around for days. They celebrate with me when I get a new one - whether they want to or not. :rolleyes:

I think... wait, I KNOW I have rubbed off on my son. I don't know that I've told many ppl this story, but here goes. My son's birthday was back in March of this year. I drug him along with me to run errands. I got a wild hair to do a wellness check while he was along with me at WalMart. We found a little red boy laying on his side, covered in fungus, shredded fins, etc. I picked him up and went to an employee working in the aisle and said "This guy needs some medical attention cuz he's pretty sick so if you could..." and she cut me off and said "I'm sorry, there's nothing I can do. We don't medicate our sick fish here". To which I stared and said "Which is exactly WHY you should not sell fish here."

She then said again "I'm sorry, there's nothing I can...." and I cut HER off and said "Again, why you should NOT SELL FISH HERE." note: this was on a Sunday afternoon at an EXTREMELY busy WalMart so I had drawn a tad bit of a crowd by this time. I stomped over to the little wood shelf where the bettas sit and put the little red guy back and had fully intended to walk out the door and leave my half-full cart sit right in front of her in the aisle.

Before that day (which was a couple of days before my son's birthday) he had been rambling on about which video game system he wanted, dvds and cds he wanted, which games, etc. for his bday. However - at that second he said "Mom. I just decided what I want for my birthday. I want to rescue that fish. Please?"

So I gave the woman an evil look, grabbed the fish and stormed off. That's how we got Jack. We picked up a minibow (blue, of course) on the way home.

And then there was the time when the bf came into our bedroom late after work one night, and I had just moved Harvey into our room onto a bookshelf. He flipped on the closet light and I heard a faint little... "Hey Harv! Don't look buddy, daddy's gonna take his pants off now and put on his jammies."

I think they have sorta taken a liking to them. They know better than to fight it. ;)
Go Sam go!!! :flex: I think some pictures are in order here... :whistle:

I think they have sorta taken a liking to them. They know better than to fight it. 

That is sooooo unfair. My family freaks out every time I get another fish. I only have *counting*.... 60 or 70 fish. But that's including guppy fry, and those don't really count. :p I reeeeeally want another betta for my 2g tank, but my mom won't even look at the sick bettas on the shelf when I try to show them to her. Ugh... :/ Of course, they all come into my room and talk to my fish and feed them when they don't think I'm looking. :rolleyes:
3fsh said:
Go Sam go!!! :flex: I think some pictures are in order here... :whistle:

I think they have sorta taken a liking to them. They know better than to fight it.

That is sooooo unfair. My family freaks out every time I get another fish. I only have *counting*.... 60 or 70 fish. But that's including guppy fry, and those don't really count. :p I reeeeeally want another betta for my 2g tank, but my mom won't even look at the sick bettas on the shelf when I try to show them to her. Ugh... :/ Of course, they all come into my room and talk to my fish and feed them when they don't think I'm looking. :rolleyes:
*ONLY* have 60 or 70.
That's hilarious.

So, do you have an empty 2 gallon tank? What on earth are you waiting for? :whistle:

OH! And i got a PM this morning that someone wants to ship me a little *special needs* boy that was born without one of his gill plates. I suppose I will have to make room. :wub:

Oh, and on Saturday, we went out driving around looking at houses so we can get our of our apartment and into something much bigger. Which means.............

:D :thumbs: :flex: :thumbs: :D

OH yeah.
when i get my new tanks i want to rescue bettas like BettaMomma
ill only have 4 kritter keepers but at least thatll be 4 bettas that have had a better life than they wudve :thumbs: thatll make it all worthwhile
bettamomma i have diagnosed you w/ a severe case of the betta bug,it is now not cureable so you're stuck w/ for the rest of your life.
Yeah, I know.


I do have a disease, and the only cure is more bettas.

Hi, i'm Jennifer and I'm addicted to bettas.
You ALL could stand up right now and say that, too.

Tell me you couldn't!!!

edit - well... it would actually be

"Hi, I'm *insert name here* and I'm..."
Hubby told me if I mention getting one more betta he's going to start medicating my water!!!! Hmmm, wonder what he meant by that???? :look:
I have to admit I've started suffering from this rare disease as well... I bought one betta with my first community tank and then went out and got another two, one lives at my fiancee's house and one is in a little tank on his own.

I was at Pets@Home 2day and felt really sorry for atleast three of the bettas they had and started planning where I could put them :lol:

I got a swift slap off my fiancee who took me out of the shop before I could whip out me car :crazy:

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