New Betta suddenly acting lethargic, help!

I got the plants from a reputable source and they were not keeping fish in the plant tanks. They did say that there was a possibility the plants could contain snails or snail eggs, but I wasn’t too concerned about that.

Hes still alive and does appear slightly more active, but is still not eating. It seems like time will tell at this point, I feel like I’m doing everything I can to help him. Thanks everyone for your help and advice 🙏🏼
I'm glad you quit using aloe containing products :good: I'm hoping with lots of smallish water changes, he'll be feeling better & better.

Good luck & let us know how he does into the near future.
Well, it’s not looking good. Today he is looking bloated with pine coned scales, which I think means his chances of recovery are basically zero…

Since I had barely had him for two weeks when this started, I think he most likely had some dormant issue when I got him, but I don’t think there’s any way to know for sure. I’m reading now that double tails are especially prone to all kinds of genetic issues and health problems. At least he got to have a couple good weeks in a nice environment 😢

It’s been a learning experience and I appreciate all the advice.

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