More BettaTalk bettas

Nes said:
If you would like to me to connect you with some other breeders in your area - I'd be happy to help :)

And that is the end of my comment on this one... :grr:


BTW- that comment is not a reflection on you, there have been some... problems... Better Betta Resource
are you talking in specific about "bettatalk"? to tell you the truth, i'm not a big fan of her...anyone who charges someone $20 american per session to dish out "betta consultation" has money symbols instead of pupils in their eyes IMO. i also get a little pissed whenever people on this forum (not you wuv ;) ) actively point people in the direction of bettatalk as somewhere to go for answers to betta related questions. i've checked out the forum, it ain't all that, believe me :lol:
I'll agree with you,bkk. According to her breeding shouldn't do a water change on the fry tank for a month?! :eek: :rolleyes: That's one thing that I remember reading once and thinking "whatever!". I believe a lot of her sales are because of the name that goes along with them :/ I personally buy from her because her shipping is reasonable and the bettas IMO are very nice, some are average though and not worth the price tag that's slapped on them :crazy:

Hopefully,after I accumulate some nice breeding stock and start turning a profit (yup,it's all about the money with these guys :p my Wal-Mart bettas are the only mooches who get a free ride) I'll be able to expand my horizons.

My only complaint with purchasing from her is....her freakin' box. OMG...on and on about the box :rolleyes: you'd think it was lined in gold. You have to ship it back to her,neatly wrapped etc etc and it usually costs me around 10 bucks :sly:

I'd be very interested in any near by breeders that you know of,Nes. Hopefully I'll be on that list someday :lol:
oh the drama of bettas lol..

never heard of this bettatalk one...

bcbetta is great tho !...

eh eh eh eh eh eh bkk :eek:
did u ever get some of those opaques? YOU MUST !!

theyres some on aquabid i think.. the pics dont do them justice trust me... personality comin out of their ying yang... opaques..

also on aquabid.. i think her name is vancouverbetta or something


they make u send back the box LMAO... its a box .. probably would cost less to send her money to buy a new box.. than send the one back.. :S :X
I agree the "only clean the fry tank after 1 month has gone by" is a big unrealistic. The most important thing for fry is CLEAN WATER! And just raising the level of the water isn't going to be enough to combat all the waste. Personally I do very small water changes every day (I siphon out the snail poop and usually take out 1-2 beanie baby containers worth of water and that is the water change). BUT her site is a very good starting point for people who are totally clueless about breeding, I like the way she stresses certain things. So many people try to reinvent the wheel because the other way is just to difficult...well that is fine if you have experience and know what you're doing, but if it's your first time, then trust someone who's done it successfully before. I am someone who refers people to her site when someone posts, "I have no idea how to breed Bettas, but I want to start, what do I do?", I send them there. Why? Well that's where I learned how to along with lots of other sites as well, but that is the one I kept referring back to for specific questions. So naturally I'll go with what worked for me. I personally have never ordered a fish via mail, I just can't justify the shipping costs when I have plenty of local breeders to go to (my local chapter of the IBC members), and her fish do seem to be the most expensive of all the sites. The box thing does seem odd, from what I can gather, most other breeders if they are worried about the box, just charge for the box within the shipping cost (or specifically add on a restocking charge), saves the person having to go to the effort to mail it back (I HATE going to the post office, Lol).

I agree with all of you about her site. I think its a really great site visually and has some good information on it, but the cost for the bettas are ridiculous..IMO if your such a big time breeder like her with that many bettas, the cost should be a bit lower than average of "high class" bettas, shed get more sales that way. About the sending the box back..thats just another blasphemey..I mean if you charge that much for a betta you should have enough money to buy plenty of boxes lol
Marianne (BCBetta) is the greatest :) I love her fish! & Best of all she's really passionate about bettas so she's really easy to get a hold of when I've got questions & what not :D My betta collection really consists of her fish & some from Rick at BettaJar.

IBC is the best place to get contact info on other breeders, so I can PM you later with a few.

Advanced Bettas Group

Is a really good place to chat & meet other breeders from around, but as for questions on the message board I'd stick to here :lol:

All Betta Breeders are Drama Queens BTW :shifty:

wuv go for it and if u breed them hook me up with some fry haha :rofl: once again go for it there amazing
Nes said:
Marianne (BCBetta) is the greatest :) I love her fish! & Best of all she's really passionate about bettas so she's really easy to get a hold of when I've got questions & what not :D My betta collection really consists of her fish & some from Rick at BettaJar.

IBC is the best place to get contact info on other breeders, so I can PM you later with a few.

Advanced Bettas Group

Is a really good place to chat & meet other breeders from around, but as for questions on the message board I'd stick to here :lol:

All Betta Breeders are Drama Queens BTW :shifty:

i'm lucky to have both marianne and rick as part of our bc betta association ;) they are both amazing people (rick is a character let me tell you and marianne knows more about bettas than anyone i've ever met ;) ). advanced bettas is a great site frequented by many international breeders and the quality of information is top notch, highly recommended ;)
rick is from bettajar right?

hes about a 15 min drive from me... if i had the room id contact him but marianne filled up all my room lol.......... marianne is about an hour drive, so going to those meetings probably wont happen.. but meh.. i got a whole bunch from her, and hopefully soon the females will be rdy for some breedin :D


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