orange shark
Fish Herder
if you can do only one thing...please get him to leave the filter on! It's the only way your tank is going to cycle
Ammonia: (You won't believe this!) 0!
Nitrite: 1.0
Nitrate: 20
(Okay, I might have gotten the Nitrate and Nitrite switched up... So if the results sound weird to you, just switch it around so it'll make sense)
Sounds like you got it right - the cycle is progressing well, given the conditions - nitrIte of 20 would be deadly in a matter of minutes, nitrite of 1 is bad, but won't cause permanent damage provided it's cleared up in time.
The reason your dads way appears to have worked better is probably that you had managed to get through a good chunk of the cycle - ammonia of 0 means you're in the second half, and nitrite of 1 with so few water changes sounds like you're reasonably well through that, as well. Ammonia is a lot worse than nitrite. Nitrite reduces the blood's ability to carry oxygen, but doesn't cause as much permanent damage that ammonia can. Enough of it is still fatal, and the stress from poor water quality can contribute to other causes of death, but all in all, the second half of a cycle is much less deadly to fish than the first.
Your platy doesn't sound good. I don't know what it could be, but it doesn't sound good.
As for plecos, I feed an algae tablet every day and a leaf of lettuce every other night, but I have trumpet, nerite, and apple snails in the tank that eat what the bristlenose doesn't. I generally see him go for the algae tablet every day, but he rarely finishes it, so without snails around to clean up, daily may be a bit much. You can try breaking a tablet up and putting smaller pieces in daily, with a full one every few days, or step up to every other day.
Edit: Antibiotics are hit and miss in tanks - established tanks usually can take them just fine, but newly cycled ones may go into a minicycle, it probably won't entirely wipe out your biofilter.
Our way of keeping fish is just one of many ways of doing things. I know someone whom, like Cassandra, has a tank with no filter that is over 30 years old. He hasn't got any ammonia or nitrite in his water, or nitrate for that matter, and hasn't waterchanged since the week after starting the tank... Though I wouldn't advise this method, it can be done.
Just goes to show, fish are hardier than we give them cradit for, and there is also more than one way to do things
All the best
Our way of keeping fish is just one of many ways of doing things. I know someone whom, like Cassandra, has a tank with no filter that is over 30 years old. He hasn't got any ammonia or nitrite in his water, or nitrate for that matter, and hasn't waterchanged since the week after starting the tank... Though I wouldn't advise this method, it can be done.
Just goes to show, fish are hardier than we give them cradit for, and there is also more than one way to do things
All the best
Funny that you mention this. I did a 6 month de-tour to marine fish and the use of filters in marine set-ups is not recommended as it causes Nitrate problems. Ok, Marine Tanks are comparatively understocked, but all the filtering is done by the rocks and the sand in there. This did make me wonder if it would be feasible in a fresh water tank as well. I mean bacteria are bacteria and the marine ones have exactly the same function. Live Rock is needed, and the rock is very porous, which might be a bit of an issue as most of those in fresh water would raise hardness, unless there is an inert porous rock ? This would mean stealing some rocks from a friend with an established tank to start the tank off with and adding fish much more slowly than usual (the way the marine keepers do), but in a fresh water tank we also have the possibility to add plants.
People kept fish before Eheim existed. Maybe one day I feel brave enough to try it....
just relax, you're making your life hard with all these excessive water changes, 1-10ppm ammonia will do nothing to your sucks when fish die at first, but you'll begin to care little as i do when it happens..(i feed dead fish to my crayfish for a laugh)