moonlight LEDS from ebay

Ok mine have been up and running for two hours and just gave out! The transformer is really hot and have unplugged it. Anyone else have this problem?

jflowers said:
Ok mine have been up and running for two hours and just gave out! The transformer is really hot and have unplugged it. Anyone else have this problem?

nope mine have been on all night every night since I've had them.
Email the seller, he seems very customer service minded, I'm sure he'll offer refund or replacement.
Wolf - My transformer is on all the time - It's not on a timer, I just turn the power off from the switch on it. Do you do the same or do you turn it off from the mains? The only reason I'm asking is because after reading jflowers post I came home, felt it and it is pretty hot :/
The-Wolf said:
jflowers said:
Ok mine have been up and running for two hours and just gave out! The transformer is really hot and have unplugged it. Anyone else have this problem?

nope mine have been on all night every night since I've had them.
Email the seller, he seems very customer service minded, I'm sure he'll offer refund or replacement.
Email the seller, he seems very customer service minded, I'm sure he'll offer refund or replacement.

First thing I did, no answer as yet (but give him a chance).

Barday said:
Wolf - My transformer is on all the time - It's not on a timer, I just turn the power off from the switch on it. Do you do the same or do you turn it off from the mains? The only reason I'm asking is because after reading jflowers post I came home, felt it and it is pretty hot :/
all i do is turn the sliding switch down when not needed, IE daytime.
Transformers do run "hot" due to the nature of the task they perform;
however they should not be too hot to hold.
It's not too hot too hold, but it was pretty hot. Anyway I e-mailed him last night to ask for a few more sticky tabs & cable ties ( I managed to bugger one up :*) and Just incase i need some more) I offered to pay him for them and also for the P&P, he said he'll send them for free! :hyper: This guy is probably one of the best e-bayers I have ever dealt with! :hooray:
My transformer runs fairly hot as well, but no hotter than the ones for the scanner, speakers, other PC bits that I am too lazy to crawl under the desk and turn off. Mines been on 24/7 since I had it with no problems.

My lights arrived this morning which was a nice birthday present :D

Will set them up later and post some pics
Aww thanks Barday :D

So are most peeps keeping these on all night or just in the evenings?

Might do a trial of a couple of hours before bed and see how they like them don't want to have to hand out mugs of hot milk to get them to sleep :fun:
:D Stuck mine in last night, it looks really cool, just cant get a decent pic of it to show you guys n girls. ill keep trying though after i get back from hols. :kana:
Mine were on when I got back from work last night and I witnessed what appeared to be my barbs "sleeping". They were floating(not on the surface ;) ) with heads pointing down.
Update on my lights.

All working again. Paul offered to pay postage to have them returned to him and send me another set :D . However, found another adapter with the same output and wired that up instead, it even has the same variable output. Anyway now I have my nice lights working again. By the way, they have been on an hour now, and while warm (like a phone charger gets warm) the plug is nowhere near as hot as it was when they failed yesterday (like touching a freash cup of tea).

A happy Jon
Mine Have Arrived this morning.

Waiting for the Olds to go to bed b4 i start fitting them, should have order a 5ft set.
Mine arrived yesterday and im very pleased with them, I took this picture last night in the dark to give the full effect.


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