moonlight LEDS from ebay

Yeah, i want him to make me some green ones for one of my planted tanks, I told him I'd out a pic up and that it had generated lots of interest - maybe we should hit him for commission? :rofl:
flash said:
:thumbs: Got mine. look great :cool: Think I got too many lights for my little 70l :p
you can always run them on a lower setting. Try 6 volts instead of 12, if thats too bright then go to the next one down etc, untill you have a level you are happy with.

jflowers Nov 3 2004 said:
Hope everyone is gonna post pics when they are fitted

I'd love to but bad camrea don't want to work ATM :grr:
Hi Wolf

They look amazing, really beautiful. As a beginner I wasn't sure if they would upset my night feeders but as they have little or no effect I'm going to place my order now!

I don't think my Plec Noo Noo knows what time of day it is anyway, he's out feeding right now.

PS I am so pleased to have found this forum, there are so many knowledgable and helpful people around. some of your postings are amazing, particularly the ones on diseases and what's in your water.

Thanks for going to so much trouble.

Dred's wife.
How can you tell if it is too bright for them?. As mentioned earlier in this post. I bought one for a 5ft - My tank is 3ft. I have put it on the lowest setting, but it still seems pretty bright - I dont want to stress the fish?
Dred said:
Hi Wolf
some of your postings are amazing, particularly the ones on diseases and what's in your water.

Thanks for going to so much trouble.

Dred's wife.
you and everyone else are very welcome
after all we are all here to help oneanother
enjoy many happy years with our fish.
Barday said:
How can you tell if it is too bright for them?. As mentioned earlier in this post. I bought one for a 5ft - My tank is 3ft. I have put it on the lowest setting, but it still seems pretty bright - I dont want to stress the fish?
If your fish are still very active then they are too bright,
if they do their normal slowing down "sleeping" then they are fine.

Also my loaches and oto come out more during the time
the moonlights are on.
:lol: You can tell the lights are too bright when planes start to land, and your fish put on sunglasses B)

then id suggest turning them down a notch1 :rofl:
Mine arrived today, or maybe earlier as the stupid postman left them on my doorstep 3ft away from a public and very busy foot path, I had been waiting for a card to say they are at the depot as I work long hours. I only noticed they were here as I had to go through the front door for once in a blue moon.

Anyway, just fitted them and turned out the lights earlier than usual just to see the effect. Very cool, gonna have to turn the lights on earlier in the day just so i can turn them off earlier b :lol:

[EDIT]Will post a pic soon [/EDIT]


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