mmm lunch

weird! im really surprised at the speed they did that. want to know something interesting? my neon blue gourami was killed because he ventured to close to my cichlids breeding cave. they had him gone in what i think would be about 5 minutes. they moved him away after. i couldnt get him out because everytime i put the net/(gloved)hand down there they fended it off. weird huh? well im sorry for your loss and thx for sharing that pic.
endparenthesis said:
I love the "gag warning". :)

Sometimes I wonder how many people who get upset about fish being eaten have ever had seafood.
i'm glad some appreciated my gag warning :D

I sometimes wonder if these people that freak out over a dead fish can actually leave their homes...
god forbid they see
rollntider said:
he looked bigger than the others....
They probably ganged up on the new "intruder". Cichlids are very smart :D I didn't say this in my other post, but sorry about the fish, and that pic can give some advice to new mbuna owners :thumbs:
ok I read this thread over and want to appoligize if I offended you because of how I took it. I was not offended by the picture at all, ive seen many things dead and decomposed not only fish, I took it wrong Because I have seen many people in the past post threads about abusing there fish and putting fish together that they knew would kill another (I'm not going to say names), I figured this was just another one of those posts. on the other side there were no reason for people to get out of hand with words they use, it only makes things worse. I dont like to see aggressive fish together in my personal opinion if people know its likely they will kill another off, I feel they should be alone or with compatible fish, but thats just me. There was no reason for the post to get out of hand and because I am an adult, not a child, I appologize for my part..but many other people contributed to it. anyways on a lighter note I have to say you do take good fish pictures, dead or not lol

I missed all the fun again!!!! :sad: ;)

Sick pictures............but hey........I asked for it......I looked!!!! ;)

:sick: but I agree, nice photos!!! :thumbs:
bittersweet said:
on the other side there were no reason for people to get out of hand with words they use, it only makes things worse. I dont like to see aggressive fish together in my personal opinion if people know its likely they will kill another off, I feel they should be alone or with compatible fish, but thats just me. There was no reason for the post to get out of hand and because I am an adult, not a child, I appologize for my part..but many other people contributed to it. anyways on a lighter note I have to say you do take good fish pictures, dead or not lol
I agree. No one should be riled up because someone wanted to state their own personal opinion. Personal opinions are just that - opinions. Not necessarily fact. And should be taken with a grain of salt lest they be a bonafide authority on the subject. :)
bittersweet said:
I dont like to see aggressive fish together in my personal opinion if people know its likely they will kill another off, I feel they should be alone or with compatible fish, but thats just me.
this fish was put into a tank with compatible fish, its just that they took an exception to him coming into their territory and he, being new, didn't know where to hide from them.

blueice : next time you add fish, try adding more than 1, and move the rocks about to confuse the established fish, this'll give the new ones a better chance to fit in.
Sorry about your fish, it was a good looking thing. My family once had a rather large tank with a red devil and a blue devil. They lived with each other for three or four years in that tank and repeatedly tried to spawn with no luck. They were awesome. Then one day, bam, the red devil killed the blue (the red was mine, the blue was my little brothers :crazy: ) Anyways, that sucked, but we never saw it coming. I thought the pictures were good, and I think it's funny that a person can keep even large cichlids together in a tank, but you can't keep bettas... hmm, food for though? I know that people who have aggressive and/or predatory fish are sort of sensitive about their fish and they way people look at how they take care of them. It feels just like if someone yells at you on how you raise your kids. I grew up around aquariums were it was no big thing to put a live fish in there to be eaten. (You try getting an eel to eat fish flakes. :lol:) I even had to get stitches after slipping on a rock when I went minnow sainning with my older brother so we could feed his pirahna, but you didn't see me complaining about having to feed the fish. I've had people tell me how horrible it is to feed fish to another fish, someone even asked me how I would feel if I was locked in a cage with a hungry lion. (First I'd try to get out, second I'd try to kill the lion, and three, I'd hope I die quick) It's called nature, and if you want an un-natural tank, then by all means, go right ahead, just don't get on my or anyone elses case about it. And if someone does, I'm just going to say Do cows get a chance to run away from the butcher? No. Do you feel guilty knowing that the fish you just bought was caught in the wild, shipped, dumped in a bare, crowded tank at the store and forced to eat flake food that it's never eaten in it's life? No. Do you feel guilty when you feed your little fish live bloodworms or daphina or brine shrimp when you want to condition them? No. Okay then, if I want to keep my fish healthy by feeding him natural live foods, then I'm going to do, it's your choice to watch or look away. Now please excuse me while I feed my fish and eat my burger.....
NinjaSmurf said:
I've had people tell me how horrible it is to feed fish to another fish, someone even asked me how I would feel if I was locked in a cage with a hungry lion. (First I'd try to get out, second I'd try to kill the lion, and three, I'd hope I die quick) It's called nature, and if you want an un-natural tank, then by all means, go right ahead, just don't get on my or anyone elses case about it. And if someone does, I'm just going to say Do cows get a chance to run away from the butcher? No. Do you feel guilty knowing that the fish you just bought was caught in the wild, shipped, dumped in a bare, crowded tank at the store and forced to eat flake food that it's never eaten in it's life? No. Do you feel guilty when you feed your little fish live bloodworms or daphina or brine shrimp when you want to condition them? No. Okay then, if I want to keep my fish healthy by feeding him natural live foods, then I'm going to do, it's your choice to watch or look away. Now please excuse me while I feed my fish and eat my burger.....
Some people are just too sensitive. Like FreshMike said - look those who seek perfection with their pets, imagine how they are with people.

Are you gonna finish the rest of that burger?
aberdeen aquarist said:
bittersweet said:
I dont like to see aggressive fish together in my personal opinion if people know its likely they will kill another off, I feel they should be alone or with compatible fish, but thats just me.
this fish was put into a tank with compatible fish, its just that they took an exception to him coming into their territory and he, being new, didn't know where to hide from them.

blueice : next time you add fish, try adding more than 1, and move the rocks about to confuse the established fish, this'll give the new ones a better chance to fit in.
Thanks for the advice :) I did add two fish that day,but I didn't move anything around. The other fish is doing well and has established his own little area :D
touchy subject here then just i think the main reasons for dissagreement here is on a commi tank side of it if a fish dies then you can get it out fairly quick and even if not the chances of it getting eaten is slim (not nibbled) compared to tanks like mine or cfc's and plenty more members i am sure.

everyone must of seen a fish of some sort getting sucked on @ sometime. if not had one go missing for ever. (cause its been eaten)

and for those that have died i am sure all will have pulled one out not completly in tack.

keeping cichs is total different to many fish ie: when i have kept them i have always been told to have them overstocked rather than understocked because of the nasty ness of them.

like i keep saying a tank full of guppys or a tank full of m cichs i am sure you can not compare the two as others will agree

every one has different thoughts on everything like it would not happen in the wild yeah but if you feel like that then what are you doing keeping fish in captivity.

good luck everyone :p
Perhaps it was added later but Im pretty sure the title part had something about it being not for the faint of heart.

As someone who has owned predator fish, one fish eating the other is facinating when its intentional. On more then one occasion Iv seen much worse floating around my tank. My Clown Kife had to be closely watced when he ate, or he would stash the 'leftovers' in tubing or plants. Cleaning that tank was a nightmare.
Fantastic photos by the way, Im sorry this discussion couldn't have been more..umm..yeah.

Im truely sorry about your fish though .

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