mmm lunch

BlueIce said:
It was someone assuming i FED that fish to my other fish,instead of asking that started it all...and then another uninformed child chimed in...
Well like I said maybe if you had made that clear in the start then maybe we could have avoided this, what do you expect me to assume when you title reads "hmm lunch" and there are pics of a fish being eaten and no explanation?

Your calling me childish, go read some of your replys I made an assumption because there was no explnation, all you needed to do was reply and say what happened without the attitude which I really do not appreciate.
Zaphan58 said:
BlueIce said:
It was someone assuming i FED that fish to my other fish,instead of asking that started it all...and then another uninformed child chimed in...
Well like I said maybe if you had made that clear in the start then maybe we could have avoided this, what do you expect me to assume when you title reads "hmm lunch" and there are pics of a fish being eaten and no explanation?

Your calling me childish, go read some of your replys I made an assumption because there was no explnation, all you needed to do was reply and say what happened without the attitude which I really do not appreciate.
Perhaps one might ASK instead of assume :)

Enough said...thanks for your comments...if you have nothing positive to say...feel free to leave the thread.
I'm sorry you lost your fish BlueIce. :(

And, I'm not going to get into this. Everyone has different opinions. And even though you may not agree with other people's opinions, try to be kind of nice, okay?
Remember, this is the "friendliest forum around" :D
Thats a really interesting picture BlueIce thanks for sharing it with us :thumbs:

I hope your next addition wont face the same fate
orientboy said:
Thats a really interesting picture BlueIce thanks for sharing it with us :thumbs:

I hope your next addition wont face the same fate
Thanks! :D

Me too! That fish was stunning and I got it at a steal...10$!
I think I'm gonna hold off on adding any more...see what happens with the tank,maybe I'll get lucky and some will spawn :D
bittersweet said:
Zaphan58 said:
BlueIce said:
Zaphan58 said:
Why did you feed it to them? If it died on its own it was probably diseased and not a good idea to let them eat it. :no:
because i'm stupid and like to take risks?


They killed it...hello?
I couldn't get it out right away because of where the dead fish was..and when I checked again they had pulled it out and were eating it...

I have no patience for people who assume ....
No need to be so childish with your replies and fly off the handle, I asked you a very simple question to which I got a very childish reply, you started a thread with no explnation in it except a few pictures of a fish being eaten and the topic of "mmm lunch, gag warning for pansies :p" of course i'm going to ask what happened and if you read my post you will see I was offering you a piece of advice which you threw back at me and I feel there was no need for that. If your going to start a thead like this again how about putting some info in your post so maybe we can avoid your attitude.
thank you zaphan, couldnt of said it better, and i wasnt offended by the pic, i was stating my concern for the fishs wellbeing
and yes this thing does happen in the wild, but thats just it, it happens in the WILD when it needs to happen to defend territory. its completly different when you add them to a tank where they can not get away and you know they are aggressive fish. EXACTLY why bettas are kept seperatly, to PREVENT them from killing eachother, the same should go for other agressive fish.
Is this a thread about bettas or cichlids? :huh:
I am sorry about your fish Blue, he was a gorgeous fish.

I used to have a big Oscar tank and one night I was laying in bed and heard huge amounts of splashing like I was at a swimming meet or something. Got up and looked in my tank, I had a tail and some bones left of an Oscar. They had him stripped in a matter of minutes.

Cichlids are tempramental and when it happens it is extremley fast. Nothing you could have done, and no harm in letting them eat on it for awhile. My current mbuna tank has had six fish vanish without a trace in the course of a night. Just a risk you take when you keep this kind of fish. The solution is not to keep them seperate. Bettas and cichlids are far from the same.
sorry about your fish.

i do have to say though, i had a goldfish die and the other one ate it. so there is nothing wrong with the pic. at the person who got all upset, it happens with everyfish, and in the wild. its a natural happining.
personally, i did find it offensive in the beggining then when i took my time to read all the's nature....besides that is an intresting picture if u ask me, yes it's cruel but still i'll probably never see this happen in my fish tanks, now before, not in the future also i would admit that i dont know much about cichlids acept for angels and discus are cichlids so i shut up...but even tho, i have yes heard that mbunas are VERY agressive, so i'm not offended especially after hearing from a respected member(sorrel) here (to me anyways), i understand so there were no need to start a 3 page argument, in my oppinion
Sorry for ur lost.. :/

Actually I dont find it offensive...I think I have lost atleast 2 angels the same way u did.....And I love angels...People who dont understand or EVEN Kep the fish should keep there mouths shut...Its nature...and if u dont like it send Mother Nature a dang letter...I feel for the fish But if he wasnt accepted may he :rip:
bunjiweb said:
This thread could have potentially been home to some interesting discussion but some immature little twats have to spoil it don't they.
Yeah bunjiweb, they were acting like 2 male bettas, they were giving me a headache!!!

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