mmm lunch

pms pills, whatever. I didn't call your fish feeder fish(read the posts). I keep all different kinds of fish. Wasn't trying to get into a big todoo over a pic of someone elses fish. I will stay out of it.
the thread should be open :)

Back to MY pic... (and just FYI,no one has my permission to repost my pics ,unless they ask me first :) )

I found it quite interesting to watch the cycle of life .I didn't see them kill that fish,and was very upset over losing my beauty...but seeing how effectively they cleaned it off was impressive :)
This thread could have potentially been home to some interesting discussion but some immature little twats have to spoil it don't they.

For god sake guys, read the whole thread before you reply, and don't jump to conclusions about BlueIce's fish keeping.

All of you going "O my god you are wrong" etc. need to get out more. Fish are killed and die all the time, its not any more un natural than keeping fish in a tank in the first place.

If you can't get over the natural cycle then YOU shouldnt be owning fish.

guys...calm down, even thought i dont' have any cichlids i know enough to know that they are very aggressive and someitmes it just happens if you add a new fish turns into food becuase it can't compete with the dominant one. I dont' think the starter of this topic (sorry forgot name) intentioanlly FED it to them, it just happened and he decidedt o share his pics. If you don't like them, don't click into it. I odn't find it rvolting or disgusting or offending, it's nature, fish dies, it get eaten, wahts the big deal?

bascially what bunjiweb said
BlueIce said:
I found it quite interesting to watch the cycle of life .I didn't see them kill that fish,and was very upset over losing my beauty...but seeing how effectively they cleaned it off was impressive :)
After the inital shock of witnessing death, it is only nature taking its course - something few get to see.

Yeah, I watch Discovery Channel and NGC, too. :)
:D blue ice thanks for the pics

i was intresting to note that the cichlids pulled the carcase out and consumed it almost compleatly within the space of 24 hours explains to me how some of the fish i had had can compleatly dissappear form a tank overnight
How comes no-one has said this: Sorry to see you lost your fish BlueIce, it was a lovely fish, as I stated in the thread when you first got it.
Now on to other things. I recently started with Cichlids, and when I wasn't getting answers from anyone else, BlueIce knew what I needed to know, so I hardly think anyone can criticise his knowledge of Cichlids. Anyone who does know can appreciate that they are aggressive fish. This sort of thing happens in the wild all the time, it is just nature taking its course, and while regrettable, is sometimes unavoidable!!
I don't disagree with these types of pics being posted (I remeber one a week or so ago about an Oscar that had been killed) but it's nice to see a warning, then people who think they may get offended shouldn't click into the thread!!!!
Cichlids fight, naturally, and sometimes to the death. Yu have to have patience with them. Also, I don't think blue Ice sits around all day watching and looking for dead or injured fish either, so this was probably un preventable. If you have never had a type of fish, don't tell people how to care for it :nod:
BlueIce said:
Zaphan58 said:
Why did you feed it to them? If it died on its own it was probably diseased and not a good idea to let them eat it. :no:
because i'm stupid and like to take risks?


They killed it...hello?
I couldn't get it out right away because of where the dead fish was..and when I checked again they had pulled it out and were eating it...

I have no patience for people who assume ....
No need to be so childish with your replies and fly off the handle, I asked you a very simple question to which I got a very childish reply, you started a thread with no explnation in it except a few pictures of a fish being eaten and the topic of "mmm lunch, gag warning for pansies :p" of course i'm going to ask what happened and if you read my post you will see I was offering you a piece of advice which you threw back at me and I feel there was no need for that. If your going to start a thead like this again how about putting some info in your post so maybe we can avoid your attitude.
It's nature, it happens. It's not like Blue Ice is putting platys with the cichlids. :/

IMO, Blue Ice is one of the best fishkeepers on this forum. :nod:
Zaphan58 said:
No need to be so childish with your replies and fly off the handle, I asked you a very simple question to which I got a very childish reply, you started a thread with no explnation in it except a few pictures of a fish being eaten and the topic of "mmm lunch, gag warning for pansies :p" of course i'm going to ask what happened and if you read my post you will see I was offering you a piece of advice which you threw back at me and I feel there was no need for that. If your going to start a thead like this again how about putting some info in your post so maybe we can avoid your attitude.
Exactly! I esspecially like the part where you call yourself stupid...
Zaphan58 said:
BlueIce said:
Zaphan58 said:
Why did you feed it to them? If it died on its own it was probably diseased and not a good idea to let them eat it. :no:
because i'm stupid and like to take risks?


They killed it...hello?
I couldn't get it out right away because of where the dead fish was..and when I checked again they had pulled it out and were eating it...

I have no patience for people who assume ....
No need to be so childish with your replies and fly off the handle, I asked you a very simple question to which I got a very childish reply, you started a thread with no explnation in it except a few pictures of a fish being eaten and the topic of "mmm lunch, gag warning for pansies :p" of course i'm going to ask what happened and if you read my post you will see I was offering you a piece of advice which you threw back at me and I feel there was no need for that. If your going to start a thead like this again how about putting some info in your post so maybe we can avoid your attitude.
thank you zaphan, couldnt of said it better, and i wasnt offended by the pic, i was stating my concern for the fishs wellbeing
and yes this thing does happen in the wild, but thats just it, it happens in the WILD when it needs to happen to defend territory. its completly different when you add them to a tank where they can not get away and you know they are aggressive fish. EXACTLY why bettas are kept seperatly, to PREVENT them from killing eachother, the same should go for other agressive fish.
I believe the mod said get it back on track or get out :)

It was someone assuming i FED that fish to my other fish,instead of asking that started it all...and then another uninformed child chimed in...
if you do NOT know anything about cichlids and/or if a dead fish makes you cringe...LEAVE the thread...

to those of you who know my fish and know how I keep them...thanks for posting :)
bittersweet said:
and yes this thing does happen in the wild, but thats just it, it happens in the WILD when it needs to happen to defend territory. its completly different when you add them to a tank where they can not get away and you know they are aggressive fish. EXACTLY why bettas are kept seperatly, to PREVENT them from killing eachother, the same should go for other agressive fish.
o m g

please just leave the thread...start your trouble somewhere else as you normally do.Spout off about subjects you have NO experience in ...why is it that the troublemakers are allowed to continue without warning or bans?

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