Mini spawn fry adoption

flautist said:
And to think: Up in my neck of the woods, we are having a drought. We could use a hurricane or two. ;)
well, you're welcome to it as far as i'm concerned. :grr:

lovely babies synirr :nod:
JoLtNbolt said:
Any chance I could get #12 and #17? They would have to be shipped at a later date as I'll be in Buenos Aires from Sept 2 - 9 and Houston from Sept 9 - 12.
Sure, I'll reserve them for you :)

SRC said:

With this Hurricane and everything there is NO telling what might happen to them in the mail. -_-

I dunno which way they would come from..but until this passes please hold off...I'm sure the fish would appreciate it.
Aaaaaarg, you should have PMed me! I sent a batch out today and yours was one of them. I checked my PMs before I packaged them up but I guess I should have checked this thread too :X
Hopefully the worst is over by now... it'll take him a couple of days to get there, so maybe it'll be ok.
Maybe he won't get into any trouble. :/ I didn't even think about Pming you...I'm a DA.

Hopefully he will be's not been too awful bad around here...just a few trees down, and no power (my community tank is going to be a mess :angry: ).

**crosses fingers**
Synirr my beebees came yesterday! :hyper: They are all well and looking healthy and they are BEAUTIFUL!!!! I got the girlies acclimated to their sorority tank and they were like lil' frontiers exploring. "Look at this flower, no wait look at this cool plant, no wait look at this!" They all ate for me and 4 of them have lost their stress stripes. I grabbed a couple quick shots as my battery was dieing but I forgot to bring my camera to work -_- The boys are doing well and eating, they are in smaller tanks until I can get their bigger ones set up. I will take lots of pictures so you can see your lil' babies in their new home.
Thank you so much Synirr, I am so happy! :wub: :wub: :wub:
Awww Naughy, how many did you get? I can't wait until I get mine in a few weeks!
I got 6 girls for my sorority tank and 4 little boys :wub: I am so in love!
Also their pictures in this thread do not do them justice, in person they are so vibrant and pretty! (No offence to your photography skills Synirr, :p)
Hey Synirr, aren't I getting Male #28?
Or am I just getting one that looks like him?
Synirr can i please have males 25 and 27 and two females they can be whichever you want. Thanks any onfo you need please e mail
I got my baby too Synir..I posted a thread to show him off..since this one is soooo huge lol.

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