Mini spawn fry adoption

As far as I know, these are the ones I'm getting (I hope)... seems to be some people who want my boy! I'll fight you... come on! Let's go! Right now!!! :flex:

"Do you want to take me home?"
I DOOOOOO! :wub:

This guy who looks cambodianish from this angle :hey:

And this one... who I think I might call Mr. Stubs.
Male #16 has stubby ventrals, but they are there. Changed a lot, didn't he?

Arggg... computer wont let me right click to get the image!

Uh... if I read the captions wrong and these aren't what I'm getting, will you let me know Synirr? :look:

Jollysue - I'm not getting male #14... I think. :huh: That's DaSauce
No, Auratus, you got him: The one that says do you want to take me home. That's alright.

I'll just rescue a betta in a cup :kana: If the UPS gets it together.Scratch that; sorry not UPS FEDEX was suppose to deliver the tank Thursday. Then I could set it up and go shopping in the morning :D
SandyMushCowgirl said:
OOOOHHH I would also like male 23. That is if he is still available. ;)

Edit: The more I look at #22 the more I want him too, if that's alright. :look:
Alrighty, #23 is all reserved for ya! #22 is becoming marbled now actually... I was gonna take him off the thread until he finished, but if you still want him he's your's. Right now he looks like a red butterfly, but he will eventually lose all his red and become either almost solid white or grey/blue marbled.

jollysue said:
I am having a really hard time with the #ing.
Sorry about that, I'm confusing at times :p. Unless I've given a new number above the pic, all photos following a number are the same fish... hence the "face" pic being male #13.

oppositearmor said:
Synirr. You really need to put more bettas up.
There's only one left!
Yeah, maybe I'll do that after being away for the weekend, going to my 3 hour long chemistry lab on Monday, and studying for 4038594285082 hours. Seriously, you're a good kid and all and I know you don't mean anything by it, but you need to understand that I actually have a life to attend to. If you wanna come do my homework for me and clean all the fry tanks every day, I'll update the thread more often.
It's ok, Synirr. Your babies just got a bit of a feeding frenzy started. :lol:

I hadn't had much sleep when I first looked over your offerings. It got clearer once I got some sleep. :*)

Get your chemestry done, clean your tanks and sell some more fry :p
I gotta get use to my usual School rountine.........

This whole summer Ive acted like a bat.... :rofl: I would Wake up at 3pm then go to sleep at 9 am...... >__> not good Since when school starts I gotta be In school at 7:10.....

So Im staying awake and Im going to go to sleep at 2 so I can wake up and go back to normal......

IT IS SO HARD, But im Tough :flex: :kana:

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