Mini spawn fry adoption

Males 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 21, and 22 are left, I'd pick 17 if i were you, even though he's missing a ventral, he's very perrty.
Do ventrals grow back? I saw some on aquabid from a spawn that had their ventrals eaten by bacteria while they were fry.
JoLtNbolt said:
Do ventrals grow back? I saw some on aquabid from a spawn that had their ventrals eaten by bacteria while they were fry.
It depends on each individual injury... I don't know if his will grow back or not :dunno:
oppositearmor said:
Will there be another selection of fry up soon? :whistle:
Probably next week, yeppers
dang, i'd like to get them at the same time, and very soon. oh well, i'll be pateint. i hope, cause normally i never can
Any chance I could get #12 and #17? They would have to be shipped at a later date as I'll be in Buenos Aires from Sept 2 - 9 and Houston from Sept 9 - 12.

With this Hurricane and everything there is NO telling what might happen to them in the mail. -_-

I dunno which way they would come from..but until this passes please hold off...I'm sure the fish would appreciate it.
I knew the tornado was gonna hit places around New Orleans, but it's gonna hit you in Alabama?
oppositearmor said:
I knew the tornado was gonna hit places around New Orleans, but it's gonna hit you in Alabama?

Louisiana will get the worst of the hurricane, but everything from the texas coast to the florida panhandle will be at least slightly affected by wind and rain.

And to think: Up in my neck of the woods, we are having a drought. We could use a hurricane or two. ;)
Ya! I'm getting another betta from Synirr! Look at him in my sig, it's the last link.
Yes! It's officail! I'm getting the bettas next week! I'm sending money, in cash tommorow!

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