Mini Spawn Diary; version 2.0


How adorable is that face?! :wub: :hyper: :wub:
Naughtygirlrlw said:
Are you planning on selling any of them? :whistle:
I'm planning to adopt a lot of them out to forum members who are willing to pay for shipping ;)
They ought to be ready to start going to their new homes in about 3 weeks... when they're ready to go and I'm ready to start shipping them I'll post a thread with some pics of the various colours and let people tell me how many and which they want/ Most of them are red-finned with an iridescent green body, but I think I'm going to have some lighter and darker ones as well :)
I'm so curious to see what your fish room looks like and where you put the 160+ containers!
Could you post some pics of that Please?!
They are such cute little babies. If i lived in the US i would definately put in a request for a couple!
My "fish room" is actually my computer room, my bedroom, and now the storage room of our garage :lol:
There are pics of some fry in their individual containers on page 6 of this thread, and pics of the storage room tanks on page 5... it looks basically the same, only now there are TWO stacks of three fry containers on my computer room floor, and two stacks of 5 in the storage room next to the tanks. That adds up to a total of 21 jarred fry, counting the containers on my entertainment center and my computer desk. I sure hope I'm not going to need 160+ containers, since the females can be housed together and I'd like to end up with a more even ratio than 160 males and 30 females! :rofl:
we want more pics lol i cant get over how cute they all are.
i would breed my 2 bettas but i havent got the room in my house and havent got as many tanks and containers your sooooo lucky.
They are gorgeous! :wub: You did such a great job. I'd love to have atleast one. I'll be anxiously waiting for when you can ship them.
Just got a couple of pics of a really bright red fry from the group in the storage room that I wanted to share :)


I know I asked this way back on page one, or maybe it was page two, but I really hope you are willing to ship to canada. I would love to have one or two of your babies. I just happen to have an empty 2.25G sitting here waiting for a new baby :whistle: . I also have an empty 10G, 20G and a line on a free 25G. Hope you can send some my way.

:kewlpics: BTW, I love seeing all the baby pics.

Aside from the aggression, can you tell boys from girls yet?
No, I can't sex them quite yet, but the males are finally starting to get longer anal fins, so it shouldn't be long.
I'd love to ship to Canada, but I'm not really sure about the regulations and all... I'll have to try to find out if it's legal to do without a license of some sort. :dunno:

Edit: Ok, I did a little research and so far I haven't found anything saying I would need a license, but I'm going to do a little more digging to make sure... if anyone knows about the regulations, feel free to chime in :)
wow! i was a little worried about how the fry would turn out because the male was so dark and the female was so bright, but they look great! congrats on the spectacular new babys :thumbs: :kewlpics:
Synirr, I think regulations get tougher if you ship fish in large quantities (ie. as a commercial supplier). If you were to ship one or two fish with the proper documentation, the only thing you might have to worry about would be an exceptionally long hold-up at the border. I believe endangered animal regulations may require the officials to open packages and verify that the fish species listed is the species of the fish in the box, but if you were to stamp on a few stickers saying live animal, please rush, etc. then it might quicken the delay just a tad.

If you want to ask them directly what the regulations for shipping, say, 1-3 domestically bred betta splendens might be, the phone numbers for people outside of Canada to use are (204) 983-3500 and (506) 636-5064. If you wanted your prospective purchasers to do the calling, the number for within Canada is 1 800 461-9999 The really nice thing for you is, if there are any duties placed ont he fish, it's not you who has to pay them ;)

Best of luck :thumbs:
Thanks very much for that info Andie, it's very helpful! Since the number for within Canada is a 1-800 number, I guess if any of you Canadian residents are really that interested in fry you could give them a call and let me know what they say about it... I also posted a thread in the Aquabid forums in hopes an American seller who has experience with shipping fish to Canada could give me some info. From what I've read online the real trouble starts if you ship 8 fish or more, so hopefully there wouldn't be much red tape if I were shipping fewer than that :)

Edit: Good news! My post on the Aquabid forums delivered the answer I needed (though I should have used the search function first, silly me :*) )
Anyway, Here's the thread I was linked to. Looks like I will indeed be able to ship to Canada! :nod:
This fry is really interesting to me... what are you going to be little one? Platinum, perhaps? :hey:
Very iridescent, but not much actual colour. Also one of the largest fry. Not at all aggressive, so I'm thinking female... definitely keeping this one :)


She's simply exquisite- very dainty, somehow, but at the same time quite regal. I don't blame you for hanging on to her :wub:

ETA: I'm wondering if the snails are there just for decoration, the amusement of your fry (I recall you saying they were tormenting them), or another purpose. Do they keep the tanks clear of algae or some form of bacteria? I'm just wondering because I've heard some people complain they make more of a mess than they clean, but if they're somehow beneficial to the fry then I definitely want to have some on hand in the event I decide to breed my coppers.

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