Mini Spawn Diary; version 2.0

OMG, that yawning one is sooooooooooooooooo cute!!!! :wub: Oh, they are too sweet!!! :) Good job being a good mommy! :thumbs:
They are SOOOO beautiful.

Personally, I wouldn't start handing them off to friends until they were at least 8 weeks old. That's just because they're still somewhat delicate, and someone who doesn't give them as much attention as you do might easily kill them.
Kiarra said:
They are SOOOO beautiful.

Personally, I wouldn't start handing them off to friends until they were at least 8 weeks old. That's just because they're still somewhat delicate, and someone who doesn't give them as much attention as you do might easily kill them.
Alright, that sounds like good advice... though to tell you the truth, I don't think I'd call these things delicate by any means at this point :lol:. I mean, they do get 75% water changes at least every-other day, but aside from that I've stopped "babying" them as much. The ones in the tanks in the storage room don't have heaters, so the temp fluctuates between probably about 78 at night and 85 in the day. When I refill their tanks now, it's straight out of the water hose with dechlor added during the process (our water is from a private well, so it doesn't have many harsh chemicals to begin with). I have yet to see a dead fry since week 3... but now I'm rambling :*)

How old do you think they need to be to handle shipping?
10 weeks? That's 2 1/2 months for anyone who doesn't want to do the maths.

I think that's how old the orange Plakats were when Wuv sent them to me, and she remarked that they were a little young and small.

Honestly, mine were jarred at room temp at 6 weeks old, with all the room temp fluctuations. But they were also still getting frozen food 2-3 times a day and 90-100% water changes every single day.
Those are some wonderful fry pictures! And I love the cute captions! :) (the pictures from like a long time ago...)

Tell me, is it hard to breed bettas? I've heard it's pretty easy. I am having a blast breeding my mollies and my sister's mollies, and I think bettas would be another fun fish to have fry with. I am sure my betta Rekiou ("Red Emperor") would love a mate.

And if I do decide on breeding bettas, how do you know if the female and male will match up nicely together? Is it just trial and error with agression or in general will any female and any male get along?
Whatever you've heard, it is NOT easy to breed Bettas. It's a hair-pulling nightmare all the way through, and it's easy to lose an entire spawn. Also, males need to be jarred separately as early as 6 weeks...and there can be 500 fry in a spawn.

Poke around on the internet and do your research. If you'd still like to do it, that's fine. But you may decide you don't like it. Breeding Mollies is easy. They do that on their own. Breeding Bettas has its joys, but it can be extremely stressful, and all parties (the male, the female, and the fry) can die even if you do just about everything right.

Start there.
Breeding bettas is pretty easy... it's raising the fry that is a royal pain in the arse! :lol:
If you're really interested in breeding, I suggest doing a lot of research first, starting with the pinned thread in this section. :)
As for knowing if two bettas will pair up nicely, you basically just try the pair you want together and see if it works out... trial and error.

BTW, I just jarred my first fry!!! :wub:
I had the four biggest fry in a 1 gallon on my desk so I could watch them, and I saw the most colourful one chasing one of the others... and I mean really chasing, not just the posturing most of them are doing. He's the smallest of the four, but he has spunk :flex:
I think I'll keep him since he's the first... and I'll name him... Gabriel II! I already had a Gabriel a long time ago, but I love that name.

I saw my first pair of fry actually fighting today! I'm so proud... my little babies are growing up :wub:
Neither was hurt mind you, and only one was initiating the aggression, so he's now jarred. I have a system going now... put fry I suspect will become aggressive soon (due to posturing and such) in a 1 gallon on my desk and watch them closely so I can separated out the aggressors :)
Congrats, Synirr! It's so cute to see those little tiny things flaring and posturing at each other.
The babies are getting a lot more colour, more personality, and more frighteningly cute! :wub:
I swear, they have to be the cutest things on the face of the earth by now. 11 have been jarred so far, and aggression is still mild... just nips here and there.

Group of fry in one of the "testing containers". I'm putting 3-4 fry I suspect of aggression in containers together to see if I really netted the right fry when I pulled it out of the tank. I watch them closely and then jar a fry when I see it nipping or chasing another.

Same fry, another angle. Check out the one at the bottom that doesn't have much iridescence :wub:

Same fry again

A couple of jarred individuals

Colours!! :drool:

I know it will be difficult, but try to ignore the algae. What with doing 75% water changes on three tanks every day, I don't have enough time to think about scrubbing it off :rolleyes:. Size comparison

"Look, there's mommy!! gather in front and she might feed us!!"

Hi-ho Silver!

Who wants to be copper like daddy?? Come on guys, I know someone does... don't make me beg!

Jarring containers (the same ones Yeevia uses... cheap and effective!)
Note the holes drilled in the sides for air and food delivery

They're everywhere!! This is (or was, until taken over by fish) my entertainment center. Container on the bottom houses the imbellis fry

And lastly, my computer desk.... sweet Jesus. Even my screensaver has fish on it :lol:

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