Mini Spawn Diary; version 2.0

They are getting more gorgeous by the day, I swear.

Congrats, Synirr! Looks like you've had one VERY successful spawn. :)
hi their i've been folowing this thread from the start congrats to you on some fab babies!!! there soooooooooooooooo cute!!!

can i ask where you got your tubs to jar the babies from???/ and how much they were thanks!!
What gorgeous babies! They just get more and more adorable each week- I'm living viacriously through your spawning experience, hehe :p

Where did you find those fantastic containers for the males? I've got a male and two female coppers on order, and I've been toying with the idea of trying for a spawn, but the fact that I'll be in my dorm room is holding me back. If I got similar containers, though, I can easily envision some DIY rack project, housing vertical towers of those babies . . . ahh, it's dangerous to dream :rolleyes:
wow, sweet betta babies! i know i've been ignoring this topic so long. i didn't know a spawn diary could be so interesting!
Andie said:
What gorgeous babies! They just get more and more adorable each week- I'm living viacriously through your spawning experience, hehe :p

lol dont worrie i am too. they are sooo neet!
Thanks for all the compliments guys, I'm very proud of them ^_^

I got the containers at Walmart and they're just under $2 each... in fact, I'm about to go get some more in a few minutes!
ive been following this post since it started, i cant w8 to see what they look like now.
can you get pics of them in their little containers.

i especially like that massive red baby one it looks like the mum because its sooo big.

i luv it. :drool:
Oooh, 2 dollars each- I like that price :lol: I'm comparison shopping similar items in the event I do decide to breed them (having an empty 20 gal in the house is a dangerous thing) but that price sounds pretty good to me. I think that if you bulk order beanie baby boxes, after like 120 they're a dollar ten each, but tacking shipping onto that jacks the price up quite a bit. Much cheaper to trot down to WalMart and wrestle back a bunch of Tupperware, I think :p

Keep on updating- I love the pics and I love to see a step by step narration of the spawning experience. I find it very rewarding somehow, even though you're the one doing all the work :lol:
paige said:
arrrr have you got any more pics of what they look like now?
Well, if you insist :whistle:

guppy_man said:
ive been following this post since it started, i cant w8 to see what they look like now.
can you get pics of them in their little containers.

i especially like that massive red baby one it looks like the mum because its sooo big.

i luv it. :drool:
The last picture update on the 7th page has a few pictures of them in their containers :)

Some more pics I took today:

The light-bodied red one really stands out



Worm flurry! I was planning to take pics of them eating the worms, but they gobbled them down so fast this is the only one I could get! :S

Jarred fry:



This one is a real character!

Same fry as above

Best pic my camera has taken in a long time :wub:

Same fry
Gah they make me all melty, lol! :p I love the second pic you posted- there's an iridescent greeny/purple looking one on the bottom left that made my heart skip a beat. V. dark horizontal bars and a red base to his fins that just about knocked me over. If I didn't have so many on their way here already . . . :rolleyes: I guess the only way of keeping me from overstocking on bettas is to fill every tank I've got, lol! Gorgeous! :thumbs:
Your babies are absolutley adorable, I love the pic of the one looking right at you!
Are you planning on selling any of them? :whistle:
great work from start to finish! they're coming on brilliant, what a good mum you are :thumbs:

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