Maybe a bit creepy!

Hey. No. That is a lie. A huge lie. Dont listen to bullies. They always lie
They lie - and they can sniff out your insecurities. And once they've sniffed them out - whether you are right about your weaknesses or not, they will play them.

Everyone on here is saying how good-looking you are. They have no reason to lie - believe them. I haven't looked back at anyone's photos - I'm not interested in what people look like, only in what they are like, so I don't know whether you are good-looking, plain, or (like the vast majority of us) something in-between, but I can tell you this ATTRACTIVENESS has very little to do with looks. It is much more personality, vivacity and confidence - are you fun to be with? Then you are attractive.

Physically I am very plain (even my Horrible Nanna used to tell me how ugly I was, and how she didn't know how I turned out like that because everyone in the family was good-looking) - I knew from an early age I wouldn't win any beauty competitions. I had absolutely no confidence in my teens and early twenties. This is why I don't like my picture taken - it doesn't show me, it just shows what I look like. However, I am kind (I hope), am good company, and enjoy other people's company and am a loyal friend.

I haven't had loads of boyfriends - but the ones I've had have been nice blokes whose company I've enjoyed, too. A couple have been good-looking, a couple have been have been average, a couple have been, like me, plain.

They've almost all been great fun to be with. I married an average one. And I'm very happy with him.

I promise you, Salty, that if you just show your personality in real life the way you do on this forum, you will be very popular. I'm sorry you are going through this, though - I've been there myself and it's dreadful - but you will get through it.
They lie - and they can sniff out your insecurities. And once they've sniffed them out - whether you are right about your weaknesses or not, they will play them.

Everyone on here is saying how good-looking you are. They have no reason to lie - believe them. I haven't looked back at anyone's photos - I'm not interested in what people look like, only in what they are like, so I don't know whether you are good-looking, plain, or (like the vast majority of us) something in-between, but I can tell you this ATTRACTIVENESS has very little to do with looks. It is much more personality, vivacity and confidence - are you fun to be with? Then you are attractive.

Physically I am very plain (even my Horrible Nanna used to tell me how ugly I was, and how she didn't know how I turned out like that because everyone in the family was good-looking) - I knew from an early age I wouldn't win any beauty competitions. I had absolutely no confidence in my teens and early twenties. This is why I don't like my picture taken - it doesn't show me, it just shows what I look like. However, I am kind (I hope), am good company, and enjoy other people's company and am a loyal friend.

I haven't had loads of boyfriends - but the ones I've had have been nice blokes whose company I've enjoyed, too. A couple have been good-looking, a couple have been have been average, a couple have been, like me, plain.

They've almost all been great fun to be with. I married an average one. And I'm very happy with him.

I promise you, Salty, that if you just show your personality in real life the way you do on this forum, you will be very popular. I'm sorry you are going through this, though - I've been there myself and it's dreadful - but you will get through it.
Well said!
They lie - and they can sniff out your insecurities. And once they've sniffed them out - whether you are right about your weaknesses or not, they will play them.

Everyone on here is saying how good-looking you are. They have no reason to lie - believe them. I haven't looked back at anyone's photos - I'm not interested in what people look like, only in what they are like, so I don't know whether you are good-looking, plain, or (like the vast majority of us) something in-between, but I can tell you this ATTRACTIVENESS has very little to do with looks. It is much more personality, vivacity and confidence - are you fun to be with? Then you are attractive.

Physically I am very plain (even my Horrible Nanna used to tell me how ugly I was, and how she didn't know how I turned out like that because everyone in the family was good-looking) - I knew from an early age I wouldn't win any beauty competitions. I had absolutely no confidence in my teens and early twenties. This is why I don't like my picture taken - it doesn't show me, it just shows what I look like. However, I am kind (I hope), am good company, and enjoy other people's company and am a loyal friend.

I haven't had loads of boyfriends - but the ones I've had have been nice blokes whose company I've enjoyed, too. A couple have been good-looking, a couple have been have been average, a couple have been, like me, plain.

They've almost all been great fun to be with. I married an average one. And I'm very happy with him.

I promise you, Salty, that if you just show your personality in real life the way you do on this forum, you will be very popular. I'm sorry you are going through this, though - I've been there myself and it's dreadful - but you will get through it.
That was very well said!

People can have bad influences on other people. Some may be good and some may be bad.

I've never been told to my face that I am ugly (that's more of a girl to girl thing) but I have been given the "You aren't cool enough to be in the cool guy group". I can see if in their eyes.

I have moved over 6 times in the 14 years I've been alive. Every new school, I was the "new guy". I am now homeschooled, which I rather enjoy.

I am still getting bullied, by a group of boys in my homeschool group. Nothing I cant handle though.
I'm surprised that you are only 14, Phoenix - you seem much more mature from your posts (so does Salty).

I would say - don't worry about being "cool". People who are obsessed with looking a particular way or having particular stuff never seem to find contentment in life. Too much is never enough for them - they are like the Red Queen in Alice in Wonderland: constantly running as fast as they can just to stay in the same spot.

TBH - it is that attitude of more, more, more which has got our planet into the state it's in. There are too many people who want more than they can ever use - certainly a lot more than they will ever need, and the earth just can't sustain it. They don't just use - they waste, because the "next thing" is always "better."
This is me after my haircut. This is how I normally look:
I have no idea... my dad wrote that. :rofl: (Its funny that you were able to recognize it!)
It's been all over the news so hard not to recognize it

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