Maybe a bit creepy!

Okay, how about this:
It's either this, my cat, or the Narwhal
It's really funny if you click on it :nod:


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Ok, so I was born in the 70's... not going to reveal when exactly... lol... But I was in High School during the 80's and I had... I am so embarrassed to say.... not sure if I should tell you.... ummmm, I had a mullet.... Ok, stop laughing!!! Believe it or not, there was such a thing as a girl's mullet.... short (business) in the front, long (party) in the back.... I know... I know... What was I thinking!?!?!? But it was all the rage then, and all the popular girls (and boys! lol) had the same haircut... Ok, so I might have a little PTSD now due to this... but, that was almost better than my hair style in the late 80's early 90's when "BIG" hair was in... I probably went through an entire can of "Aqua Net" hair spray in a couple of weeks.. Curled with a curling iron and teased with Big bangs... that was the style then, when I was in College... and of course you had to listen to metal bands and Hair bands... :p:cool: LOL ....
I remember the "big hair" too.

I had so much hairspray on it was like a motorcycle helmet! If I'd fallen over I would have dented the pavement!
I think with the younger generation these days it’s a lot harder. Kids are crueler these days and the amount of mental health issues with this generation is through the roof. I got 2 young girls and they are stunning to say the least (call me bias I’m okay with that). My eldest girl got bullied several times really bad in primary school to the point that I spoke to the principal and said if you don’t deal with it, I will take matters into my own hands. One of the times was was a little girl who kept telling my daughter that she was fat and ugly and I had my daughter coming home from school and asking my hubby and I if we through she was ugly and fat and started watching what she ate... she was 7 yrs old at the time. I absolutely lost it when I figured out what was going on! We have always told our girls how beautiful they are and how much we love them on a daily basis and that has always built their confidence (probably a little to much but I’m okay with that too). Anyways,
Aussie - I totally agree with you regarding how difficult it is for young girls now. The "acceptable" appearance is getting narrower and narrower - You must have "X" eyebrows, "Y" hair, "Z" lips, weigh only "A" stones, but with a "B" type figure etc etc etc - and as regards bullying, just don't get me started!

It's always gone on - I think most of us have been bullied, or were bullies (some of us both) - and it's always been unacceptable - but at one time, kids came home from school and home was a safe place, but now with social media bullying behaviour follows child victims everywhere - there's no respite. It's dreadful.
Aussie - I totally agree with you regarding how difficult it is for young girls now. The "acceptable" appearance is getting narrower and narrower - You must have "X" eyebrows, "Y" hair, "Z" lips, weigh only "A" stones, but with a "B" type figure etc etc etc - and as regards bullying, just don't get me started!

It's always gone on - I think most of us have been bullied, or were bullies (some of us both) - and it's always been unacceptable - but at one time, kids came home from school and home was a safe place, but now with social media bullying behaviour follows child victims everywhere - there's no respite. It's dreadful.
I keep getting bullied in school. Once I was surrounded by a gang of bullies. There were 15+ people in the gang. I hate school.
I understand your anger and contempt... It is completely justified... and I totally understand you father's stand on the issue... It is also "justified"... But, if I can be a "voice of reason"... If you can entertain that idea for a moment?... Sometimes taking the "high road" actually means "turning a cheek" to what is happening... So, what I mean by that is this... Being the "better person" often means doing the opposite of what your emotions want you to do... Sometimes turning away from conflict makes you the stronger individual and the one who is truly doing the right thing... Now, I am not saying that you shouldn't voice your opinion on the matter... By all means... Say your piece!!!... But getting physically involved is not always a solution... This is my opinion, and you will do what you feel is right... but, it is always my opinion that the stronger individual is the one who finds the strength to avoid a fight, and to walk away... To speak their mind.. and then walk away...That is the true Hero in my opinion...;)
I understand, but every time I try to talk to him, or ask him to stop, he always mocks me and makes fun of me.

I honestly think he is just afraid of me, he just doesn't know it. I really appreciate your input @dmpfishlover, but believe me, I've tried everthing.

Now I'm not going to just go up to the guy and punch him, that would be out of line. If he starts the fight, I will finish it. I just hope that doesn't happen...
@Retired Viking, the same thing is happening to me. The main "cool guy" has a group of 3 or 4 guys that are always around him. Where he goes, they go.

I've never actually been threatened to fight, which is a good thing. I think it may come to that though. I'm not sure why the guy hates me. I've asked him time and time again, but he never answers. He just makes fun of me and mocks me... :(
I'm not sure why the guy hates me. I've asked him time and time again, but he never answers. He just makes fun of me and mocks me... :(
Honestly, he probably feels threatened by you in some way... This is often why a boy will target another specific boy... You may be better in school than he is (get better grades), better in sports, have a better home life, etc.. who knows? The other reason can sometimes be because the boy is VERY insecure about themselves inside... On the outside they put on a show to hide their feelings and will sometimes act all macho... and even go so far as to bully others to make themselves feel better about themselves... like they have power over something, when inside they feel powerless... I'm not saying that you should feel sorry for bullies, but sometimes it helps to understand their mentality... Bullies are usually not very well "adjusted" individuals... If that makes sense?

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