Luc's First Planted Tank

These are some pics of the new layout (poor quality of pics, sorry).


It is still very "empty" and looks "new". :)

Comment pls.

My only quibble is that I can't really see the path you had wanted to create, because of your substrate hills. I wonder if there is a way to lower the level of the gravel along the glass (so you can see the path) without lowering the hills any. The glosso will also show up better that way. The wood position is pretty, though I would trim the Echinodorus infront of it a bit, so you can see it more. Same story on the other side, but don't cut the leaf that overlaps the path. Cut the one that's to its right. That one that sticks out.

Otherwise, let it fill in and and see what it does. I think it's going to be grand.

llj :)
Thank you llj for the suggestion, but i am a bit unclear about

I wonder if there is a way to lower the level of the gravel along the glass (so you can see the path) without lowering the hills any

I didn't catch what that means. Please evaluate more... thank you.

That "path" in fact I am trying to create a dried river, but I lack of small stones, I just leave it as it is first till I get some stones... :)

Anyway, I would not mind to do changes from time to time in making the tank looks nicer... :)

This is the list of plants that I used before the rescaping.
Riccia Fluitans, Glossostigma Elatinoides, Rotala Rotundifolia, Echinodorus Quadricostatus, Anubias Barteri Nana, Microsorum Pteropus, Microsorum Pteropus "Windelov", Echinodorus Tenellus, Eleocharis Acicularis, Nymphaea Lotus 'Zenkeri', Rotala Macrandra, Hydrocotyle Verticillata, Bacopa Australis, Cryptocoryne Wenditii, Mayaca Fluviatilis, Hygrophila Corymbosa "Angustifolia", Nuphar Japonica, Ludwigia Repens, etc.

Now the plants are,
Hygrophila Corymbosa "Angustifolia", Eleocharis Acicularis, Red and Green Tiger Lotus, Cryptocoryne Wenditii, Marsilea Hirsuta, Alternanthera Reineckii "Roseafolia", Nuphar Japonica, Blyxa Japonica, Rotala Rotundifolia, Rotala Macrandra, Echinodorus Quadricostatus var "Magdalenensis", Ludwigia Repens, Glossostigma Elatinoides, Java Moss, etc.
2 updated pics to share... Plants are growing but not too rapidly... I have added 3 cherry barbs and 2 guppy into the tank... :)

Things are alright as algae is not much too. :)


Some inspiration there, it looks much bigger than my tank which is the same size! I wondered about a green leafed lily, always liked my tiger lotus, but it was in the wrong place so it has gone. I think I may have been inspired enough to go for a green leafed one....what is the plant you have at the back right? I am guessing some form of lily?

Only thing I am not too keen on is the apparent symmetry of the substrate mounds, for me it doesn't work.
Thank you nry.

The green leaf lotus is green tiger lotus, while the plant at the right back corner is Cryptocoryne Wenditii.

I have a patch of wendtii, it is a nice plant. I also have some type of lily which snook in with a recent plant delivery, though it is tiny at the moment (about 2cm tall) so until it grows some more I don't know what it is, I'm hoping it will turn into a green tiger lotus or similar :)
Heee... Hopefully it will turn out to be the one you wish to have. :)

I am planning to shift the Rotala Rotundifolia and Rotala Macrandra to the center back of the tank... :)

Will post pic when done. :)
I have done some changes yesterday, I have shifted Rotala Rotundifolia to the center back of the tank. Bought a new plant (don't know the name yet) to plant at the empty space previously the Rotala Rotundifolia located. Bought some small stones and Peacock moss, tied the moss on some stone and placed it at the "dried river bank". :)

Will post pic soon as the water still blury... :)
I am thinking of adding an angel fish into this tank, but not sure is it suitable or not, I don't mind t remove some fishes in order to fit the angel fish in.

My concern is, is angel fish compatible with the fishes & shrimps I have in the tank?

9 Harlequins, 1 Molly fly, 2 neon tetras, 1 lampeye, 1 otocinclus, 3 cherry barbs, 2 guppy, 1 Amano Shrimp, 3 Red Cherry Shrimps and 2 flying foxes.
Hmm, you seem fairly well stocked already, though the angel would prefer a larger/deeper tank from everything I have read. I had one years ago and once it reached a decent size it happily started to eat my smaller fish (neons etc) so they can be a bit of a problem.
Ohh, I see, thank you nry.

So I would just stay with the live stock I am having now for this time...

The water is blury due to the root fertilizer has dissolved into the water...

Plants are growing, fishes are alright; now just waitting for the plants to grow...

These are few pics to share as promised...




And the last pic is my nano red cherry shrimp tank. There are some shrimplets in it and they are growing rapidly... :)

Some pics to share... :)


What plant is that? (The dark green plant)

Flying fox,



Amano Shrimp,

Front part,



Comment pls...
Great yet again Luc :)

I just emptied my 2foot tank ready for total redo tomorrow :hyper:

Getting some nutrient substrate and i also upgraded my lighting around a week ago just over 2WPG

I saw everything you done to your 2foot tank and thought i should try it too!

Very insperational

Cant wait to get mine planted :) Hehe

Thanks alot

Nice! Though I think there isn't enough background plants...

Thank you, I am still looking for more background plants to fill in the space but no rush. :)

Great yet again Luc :)

I just emptied my 2foot tank ready for total redo tomorrow :hyper:

Getting some nutrient substrate and i also upgraded my lighting around a week ago just over 2WPG

I saw everything you done to your 2foot tank and thought i should try it too!

Very insperational

Cant wait to get mine planted :) Hehe

Thanks alot


Thank you Richie, so happy to know that you like the tank. I wish to see your tank after redo... :)

Good luck yeah... :)

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