Look What Followed Me Home!

The October FOTM Contest Poll is open!
FishForums.net Fish of the Month
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This Old Spouse

TOTM Winner May 2013
Dec 12, 2010
Reaction score
Followed you home? What is it? a climbing perch?
Looks like a Pleco otherwise.
Aw, c'mon ... my first trip to an LFS in more than a year!!! And I found a clown pleco! 
$9.99, and s/he is now in the 55g. I also got 11 zebra danios for 20¢ each! Couldn't resist, and they're perfect in my 20g cory tank. I really needed something in the middle-upper column. 
We were hoping to get plants, but there were none to be had. There was one incredible Madagascar lace plant, but I was sure I'd kill it in a matter of weeks. My hubby desperately needs some plants for his 75g.
Okay, two things,
One: A clowm plec! I hate you!
Two: $9.99! I hate you more!
I thought it was a steal! And I thought about you the whole time, frapadoodle. 
 I think this calls for Option 4!! 
i need to get something to suck the algae of my driftwood, it's very bad :/
That was one reason for getting this guy (aside from being so cute). But now that I look at it, I don't have near enough accessible driftwood for herm to suck on! It's all covered in java fern, bolbitis, pelia and java moss. I'm going to have to prowl around and find some more ...

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