Look What Followed Me Home!

Oh I see, thanks 
My clown plec hid all the time, we never saw him. He lived in three different tanks and always had a favoured hiding spot under bogwood. Then I moved him into my 200l planted tank where there are hundreds of hiding spots, we see him a lot more now and his confidence has grown. He will fight off other fish for wafers without losing any of his colouration, which used to be the case whenever he was out in the open.
I did see him yesterday, when he was lying on a rock. But of course by the time I got my camera he was long gone. There are lots and lots of places for him to hide, which is fine so long as I catch a glimpse of him now and again to assure he's all right.
Just dropped a slice of sweet potato in the tank, and all the other fish are going crazy for it! Maybe the clown will take the hint and come out. 
Is your tank now full of orange poo? :)
But I did catch a glimpse of him on it and eating! Of course, when I went to grab the camera ... *poof*
HA! Captured him! 



Naturally he's in the worst part of the tank, it's daylight, etc. But at least he's out in the open! The flying fox is fascinated ...
Clown plecs are always really reclusive fish, find them to be fairly good algae eaters at night though! Just... not when you're watching!
Nice Indo Flying Fox!! Dont see many people with that species, most have Siamese Flying Foxes! :) Prefer the looks of yours though they do have a habit of being a lot more bolshy when mature. Dont know how you find them?
I'm just so happy he came out yesterday! I always worry about fish that I can't see on a regular basis, especially new arrivals. I never know if they've gone and died somewhere. I can't wait until he gets a bit bigger!
Yes, my flying foxes. How do you get them? Order Siamese algae eaters from my former LFS. 

I really like the personalities of these fish overall. They are a bit bossy, and I've found they like to pick out one spot in the tank for themselves and heaven help any other fish that tries to invade! They are very interactive, and particularly one (that I ended up giving to my husband's 75g tank) will swim right up to the glass when I come in. The one in the photo is doing that now, too. The smallest one is in my tiger barb tank. That one is out all the time, scouring the plants and glass for algae. Looking at him now, he's perfectly vertical, looking for goodies at the base of a plant. Very entertaining. I took the one I gave my husband out of my 20g cory tank as he was getting a bit too bossy with "his" cave and regularly chased the unwitting cory out of there. Plus, I moved my ambiacus and delphax cory out of the 55g and put them in the 20g. They aren't necessarily happier in there because they're more exposed, but at least I can see them when I want to, unlike the 55g.
Talk about rambling ... 
CoryLover95 said:
Oh he's awesome!  
  You should name him Harvey LOL.
Harvey is a 6 foot, 3 and 1/2 inch rabbit (a pooka, if you will), not a pleco.  
Yes, we know. It's still a good name for an invisible (mostly) pleco!

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