Look What Followed Me Home!

I clicked the title thinking you got a little fry in some plants like the other thread. Then I saw the picture and immediately realized that it wasn't a surprise at all, but a fully planned purchase. :p
Lovely find!
Yeah, might be time for option 4.
Local fish only had clowns a while back for $12.99.
I think if I waited a year to go I would think it worth it for such a beauty.
I hadn't planned on a clown pleco at all, at least not this trip. I was so happy to find herm! Of course, no idea where s/he is ATM.
i'm sorry but this may sound weird because i here you guys mentioning it all the time but what is LFS?
if you hover over the acronym it tells you, anything with a dotted underline does for future reference, but LFS stands for Local Fish Store.
ohhhhh, i thought it was some famous fish store or something :p 
I like that pleco. How big do they get?
Well done TOS on finding such a reasonably priced Clown Plec.
az9 said:
i need to get something to suck the algae of my driftwood, it's very bad
Be aware that the Clown Plec likes to chew on your driftwood and is not known as one of the most effective Algae eaters although there are some mixed views on this.  Also, they are known to produce a lot of waste, so you must have good filtration.
TOS, feed him sweet potato but be warned of the orange pooh ;)
I imagine they could/would take it raw. I'd be tempted to soak it in dechlorinated water for a couple hours beforehand, rather than cooking it, though I'm unsure.
I'll give that some thought. He's still hiding, unfortunately. I saw him today after searching everywhere, and he's just parked on the sand under a rock cave. Starting to get worried that he's not eating anything. I'd really, really hate to lose him, especially after my losses last night.
I tend to blanch any veggies by putting them in boiling water for a few minutes, probably about five minutes.  If he eats sweet potato you will know about it ;)
They are known for hiding, they generally say do not get one if you want to see it!  My friends have one and he lives under a piece of wood in the tank, and that is about it really 

Here is some more info on the Panaque maccus (clown pleco)

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