Look at this crappy set up petsmart is selling

As much as I've enjoyed watching all of your brains ticking- this is one of those topics that folks just never can agree on and never will. But, if we go back to the orignal topic *ahem* those tiny disco bowls are ridiculous. I can hear the bettas now "aaah,aaah,aaah,I'm barely staying alive,barely staying alive :kana: "

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

That's great Wuv!
But you said if a person THINKS that their fish is happy than it is. And that's not true.

No, what I said was..when the PERSON is happy with what they are trying to do for the animal..they think the animal is happy as well. And that is most definately true. that does not imply that the animal is ACTUALLY happy..it implies the owner is so therefore the animal 'Must" be.

People tend to transpose human feelings/emotions over to the animal. Regardless of what the animal may or may not be thinking...as we cannot ever REALLY know what they are thinking (with the exception of apes..to whom they have been able to teach sign language so that they can communicate. But there again...how do we know the animal is sending out it's own mesaage, and isnt' simply sending out ones that are human induced. We can't. )

LOL @ Kelly...you crack me up girl.
I love threads like this...it's really helping me in my Current Event class.
Somehow I had looked over this thread for days. Probably b/c I subconcsiously ignored it in hopes of not seeing another arguement like this one. I love my fish just as much as the next person, but I agree with what John and a couple others have said. Now as far as the actual topic started out. I can't believe some of those things. The boots are just awful, can you imagine the jerkind around and distress that would cause a fish!! :crazy:
Just wanted to jump in regarding the "fish heel" boots- I don't believe those are sold with real fish in them. I did quite a few searches and never found any evidence to say those are living fish, especially since the boots come with the fish already inside- bit of a problem shipping, wouldn't it be?

What's more, this site sells vintage reproduction clothing, the "fish boots" among them, and it comes right out and says:

"These platforms are ideal for any disco costume. They're super groovy with plastic goldfish swimming in their 3.5" clear high heels."
(emphasis mine)

As to the disco bowl? Yeah, that would be a pretty crazy existance, however long the fish managed to last before succumbing to the stress of those lights. What would be neat is that bowl with one of the plastic bootfish in it- no stress for the fish, of course, but with all of the (questionable) coolness of a flashing disco fishbowl. :rolleyes:
So wuvmybetta you think maybe I should proof read my post before hitting the reply button? I mean what fun would that be......LOL.


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