The elegance is Australian, not Indonesian. He's just starting to open, but he's a bit more finicky than my other corals.
If mine has been anything to go by, I bet you it turns into a crazy hungry beast when it settles!
Haha, may need a bigger tank, Donya! It's opening more,that makes me happy
Well, I wish I had gotten a video of this. But I got home late from a concert and if you read below, video documentation wasn't top priority...
For the whole day my elegance wasn't opening and it was beginning to bother me. I know elegance are not easy corals. I took a look at it, and it was retracted with a bit of mucus, irritation. So I observe the tank for a while and I see my jawfish. Not where he normally is behind the gsp, but very intently excavating a burrow in a cave. My duncan is on one side and the elegance is on the other. Duncan is fine. He's grabbing mouthfuls of sand and spitting it right on the elegance. Problem solved. Time to move the elegance. He's now in the back of the tank and I got some sand out the best I could. Poor thing. At least I caught it fast. I knew he'd start digging but I hadn't seen him dig in that area. Well, this is why you have multiple possible spots where you can put corals.
It was pretty cool watching the jawfish, though. He would grab whole blue-legged hermits and toss them about! Flying hermits. He's getting tame now too and approaches when I come with food. Good little jawfish, good little Mantequilla. It is a fine Mexican name!

Other trauma drama...
1. moved the elegance
2. Fragged my first birdsnest, well actually... broke the ora green clean in half moving elegance, so glued other half of it to a frag plug. Still counts
3. The Hydor flow fell off, knocking down my God of War
4. Glued God of war to new location.
5. Well since I had the glue out... moved the wobblegong wows to a new location
6. My hands are very clumsy for this tank. And they are again covered in glue.

One day, I'll get a full tank shot of this tank going so you can see all the stuff. Maybe after the water change.
I really don't plan on getting anything else coralwise for this tank. I've got plenty. I'd like some showcase inverts and that's it. This tank shaped up very quickly and very nicely. Some different corals in there. Many of the zoas have new polyps which will be great. Hopefully my elegance will open up again.