Llj's 8G Oceanic Biocube

I guess it's time to stop listening to those voices in my head then huh?

If the voices are telling you not to do it, then yes, stop listening & just DO IT!! :hyper:

A wee little pico like me.

Noooo do a monster tank ainsy!!!!!!

Done that - 7 footer which I lost to a power failure whilst away on holiday.

In negotiations with SWMBO to set up a discus tank (8 discus coming on sat :good: ) I had to promise I wouldn't set up the monster reef again!

although I am working on some leverage to get a nano - just for LLJ!
Yay nano!!

You'd be surprised how many things you can cram into an itty bitty space.
although I am working on some leverage to get a nano - just for LLJ!
i will accept nano i guesssss :)
basically what you have to do is turn up with a tank and burn the receipt infront of your partners eyes... worked for me :)

Ok, jawfish is much more comfortable with me now. He takes pellets and mysis and pretty much anything. I don't regret getting him. Good instinct on my part.

He allowed me to work with my corals yesterday.

I was able to get my elegance, pink stylo, and a bunch of funky palys and zoas. The elegance isn't open yet, but the stylo opened super fast!


I'm still struggling getting good pictures of my zoanthids. :( Pesky LEDs. I'll figure it out when I have some time.

life is so unfair! why cant i have things like that appear in my LFS (and obviously have the requirements for them) :p

I'm very lucky that I live in a great location to get some top notch stuff. The elegance is Australian, not Indonesian. He's just starting to open, but he's a bit more finicky than my other corals.

All is not wonderful in Biocube land. My controller is acting strange. It's not turning on the lights like it should and I need to reboot it to turn the lights on. Once I do that the lights run fine, so I know it's not a lighting issue, but a controller issue.

I just need it to survive until May when the second gen controller will be ready, but if it doesn't, I'll have to dismantle the tank and have the lfs hold the corals until I can fix the lights. It's not a bad situation now, more of a nuisance, but it can get bad.

Rule #1 in reef keeping, ALWAYS have a plan B.

The elegance is Australian, not Indonesian. He's just starting to open, but he's a bit more finicky than my other corals.

If mine has been anything to go by, I bet you it turns into a crazy hungry beast when it settles!
The elegance is Australian, not Indonesian. He's just starting to open, but he's a bit more finicky than my other corals.

If mine has been anything to go by, I bet you it turns into a crazy hungry beast when it settles!

Haha, may need a bigger tank, Donya! It's opening more, :D that makes me happy

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