amazing looking tank! such growth in there. What is your CO2 injection...pressurised or yeast?
Yeast. I don't have enough money for pressurised.
amazing looking tank! such growth in there. What is your CO2 injection...pressurised or yeast?
whats the wpg? if i read correct its 2.14? how many yeast systems are you running?
I love it! Can you explain a bit more about the wood arrangement? I believe you have the anubias on a pieve of wood in the front, and behind it you have another piece of wood, which is partly covered by the anubias? Do you have a picture of the wood by itself?
LLJ, you tank is amazing. I love the new wood. it really finishes it off.
Thanks for the explanation! I think it is a great idea to put the plants on a simple piece of wood, and save the most decorative wood as decoration. You have given me a great tip! I have just acquired some anubia, and wasn't sure to put it on a 'nice' piece of wood. Now I am thinking of just buying a piece, and place it behind the decorative piece so it will remain visible.
The piece is by no means simple, it's just a larger, flatter piece of Mopani. But I like your train of thought. I do think that it is a good idea that most of the plants be restricted to one piece of wood with the other pieces arranged about it. If for whatever reason, I need to remove wood, I do not run the risk of uprooting several plants and damaging the scape in the process.
The piece is by no means simple, it's just a larger, flatter piece of Mopani. But I like your train of thought. I do think that it is a good idea that most of the plants be restricted to one piece of wood with the other pieces arranged about it. If for whatever reason, I need to remove wood, I do not run the risk of uprooting several plants and damaging the scape in the process.
Exactly! This would save a lot of trouble arranging and re-arranging plants on the wood, damage the plants, and also damage some beautiful pieces of wood.