The wood finally sank, so I added it in. TBH, I don't see much of a difference. I've also got another anubia bud, so that's nice.
After. Not really much of a difference, but I like the wood. The rotala and bacopa were pruned, but I'll let it grow to the top again. I'd like to also wrap bacopa behind the bolbitis, as the bolbitis alone creates a dark spot in the tank. Or, I may opt to remove it and just have bacopa, which would contrast with the wood better. I think that Marsilea hirsuta is one of the best plants ever and really makes this tank very charming. A nearly perfect foreground for lower-light tanks and sets off Monpani beautifully. I'm removing the silly sliver of moss on the new piece of Mopani. I think it looks stupid. Corys decided not to pose, though as I'm typing, they are all in the front of the tank foraging.
New wood, I like the color variants. Moss is aweful.
Anubias. They were a little pale a week ago, so I dosed whatever the deficiency looked like to me. I honestly don't remember, but they are bouncing back nicely. Most likely it was either Trace or Iron.
Dusk lighting, which I think is kind of pretty.
On June 14th, this tank will be a year old, and if the scape is nice, I'll post it in the member's tank section. Or I'll wait for the anubia to flower.
After. Not really much of a difference, but I like the wood. The rotala and bacopa were pruned, but I'll let it grow to the top again. I'd like to also wrap bacopa behind the bolbitis, as the bolbitis alone creates a dark spot in the tank. Or, I may opt to remove it and just have bacopa, which would contrast with the wood better. I think that Marsilea hirsuta is one of the best plants ever and really makes this tank very charming. A nearly perfect foreground for lower-light tanks and sets off Monpani beautifully. I'm removing the silly sliver of moss on the new piece of Mopani. I think it looks stupid. Corys decided not to pose, though as I'm typing, they are all in the front of the tank foraging.
New wood, I like the color variants. Moss is aweful.
Anubias. They were a little pale a week ago, so I dosed whatever the deficiency looked like to me. I honestly don't remember, but they are bouncing back nicely. Most likely it was either Trace or Iron.
Dusk lighting, which I think is kind of pretty.
On June 14th, this tank will be a year old, and if the scape is nice, I'll post it in the member's tank section. Or I'll wait for the anubia to flower.