Time for an update. In the time that I've turned off CO2, my crypts have really taken off. Here are a few updated photos.
I don't really like the fish much from LPS these days, so when I want a new fish, I tend to switch species from another tank. I added my Blue tetras back to this tank. If I see good serpaes and black neons, I'll add to the schools, a shoal of corydoras and call it a day.
I'm getting a shipment of plants from Aquariumplants.com (Happy Christmas to me!). The list includes the following:
Egeria najas
Aponogeton crispus
Cryptocoryne Wendtii Bronze "Giant Mother Plant"
Pelia (Monosolenium Tenerum)
Cryptocoryne retrospiralis
Cryptocoryne wendtii, Green
Cryptocoryne wendtii, Red
I'm excited about the Mother plant, I hope it's big. It'll become the showcase plant for the 36g. The najas will provide stability and it is one of my favorite stemplants, so I plan on cultivating it. I hear the Pelia can become a weed, but that's usually with higher light and CO2, so hopefully mine will behave. The plan is to either use it as a floater, or as a groundcover, depending on the tank. I have honestly never tried Aponogetons, so it'll be interesting to see how they do.
I know the 20g will get some Pelia, perhaps the aponogetons and some growing Christmas moss I have on reserve. I may move things around. I'd like to continue the spiral of green created by the anubias with the marsilea, as I think something isn't quite right with the current layout and perhaps Pelia with the crypts will make a better combination. I'd like the eye to travel to the dark cave created by the wood, which it nearly does, but the marsilea and crypts together are a distraction. I will soften the jutting wood to the right with Pelia, which will help the eye focus on the cave and will continue the spiral of green created by the anubias. I've seen Riccia attached to wood, so I imagine Pelia will work that way too.
Of course, when I get the plants, the above plan could be completely changed.