! ! ! Livebearer's Club ! ! !

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You really do have some gorgeous fish fish48! I look up to you and one day I would love to keep the fish that you have.

How the hell do you get hold of these fish!
Getting them is the easy bit its finding the space last year I put in a extra 50 tanks lol
how much does one of the rares fish cost from the store
Well, you usually have to buy rare fish from a private breeder or else get your lfs to order them in. However, most lfs' won't order in fish the best bet is to contact a breeder and go on the b.l.a or the a.l.a

You really do have some gorgeous fish fish48! I look up to you and one day I would love to keep the fish that you have.

How the hell do you get hold of these fish!
Getting them is the easy bit its finding the space last year I put in a extra 50 tanks lol
how much does one of the rares fish cost from the store
Well, you usually have to buy rare fish from a private breeder or else get your lfs to order them in. However, most lfs' won't order in fish the best bet is to contact a breeder and go on the b.l.a or the a.l.a

Double post due to my annoying iPhone that I'm on
well with me you can tell when i am on my ipodtouch there will be really bad grammar errors and,i am better on my laptop,

well of to go paint a table and mow the 2acre lawn f.u.n be back way later

o and duckanddive your pic that post with you,is a really really nice fish
Looking at my nursery tank a minute ago, I'v decided to keep one of the oldest fry. He has a silvery body with a very strong rainbow/multicoloured tint. His tail is yellow at the base turning into a vivid orange and from his tail, he has a vivid orange line going up to his gills. Pics soon :) :snap:
Just to let everyone know, I'm going on holiday frm tomorrow till the 16th august [2 weeks] To mallorca, but hopefully, I will be able to get an internet acces via either my iPhone on the hotels internet connction [if they have one] or by using a internet cafe [and pay through the roof prices.] Luckily, my cousin and her dad used to keep fish [recently gave them to my nan lol] and they will be looking after my fish, fry, parrot & dog lol. Hopefully they will do everything right *touchwood* as they will only be feeding the fry and adults. Typical of when he comes round a female starts to give birth [and a very cannabilistic one to :(] so we showed him how to move fry into the fry tank. I'm also doing a 75% water change & gravel vac & putting small bit of bacterial/fungal repellent/treatment in the tanks to keep infections/ bad bacteria levels low while we're gone. Need to go now, got to change water, treat & gravel vac.

p.s does anyone find gravel vacuming very relaxing watching the gravel swish & swirl in the big inlet on the pipe... or is it just me -_- :blush: :p

Hey Livebearer Keppers,

Since there is a club of Tropical Fish Forums for channa, bettas oscars, why not a group for all livebearers?
So, feel free to join the club and take a number.
And so on, I think we should have a livebearers club instead of a club for every livebearerrs species as we would be here all day writing threads etc..
And if I believe you are knowledgable enough about livebearers [common, rare or both] then I might ask you to be the Manager or Deputy Manager.

The Club Members Are All Put Down On The List Below Within 2 Days Of Joining The Club. [This is unless I am not on for a reason e.g holiday, sick etc..]

Club Member <1> & Owner - Tropic_John
Club Member <2> & Deputy Manager - Duck_And_Dive
Club Member <3> & Manager - HelterSkelter
Club Member <4> - Harlequins
Club Member <5> - Platygirl11
Club Member <6> - Hughessomefish
Club Member <7> - Mbarton2010
Club Member <8> - Jlovesfish
Club Member <9> - Kizno1
Club Member <10> - Fry_Forever
Club Member <11> - Ben.M

So, take a number! And JOIN!


P.S There will also be an identical thread in the rarer livebearers forum identical to this thread.
Hey Livebearer Keppers,

Since there is a club of Tropical Fish Forums for channa, bettas oscars, why not a group for all livebearers?
So, feel free to join the club and take a number.
And so on, I think we should have a livebearers club instead of a club for every livebearerrs species as we would be here all day writing threads etc..
And if I believe you are knowledgable enough about livebearers [common, rare or both] then I might ask you to be the Manager or Deputy Manager.

The Club Members Are All Put Down On The List Below Within 2 Days Of Joining The Club. [This is unless I am not on for a reason e.g holiday, sick etc..]

Club Member <1> & Owner - Tropic_John
Club Member <2> & Deputy Manager - Duck_And_Dive
Club Member <3> & Manager - HelterSkelter
Club Member <4> - Harlequins
Club Member <5> - Platygirl11
Club Member <6> - Hughessomefish
Club Member <7> - Mbarton2010
Club Member <8> - Jlovesfish
Club Member <9> - Kizno1
Club Member <10> - Fry_Forever
Club Member <11> - Ben.M

So, take a number! And JOIN!


P.S There will also be an identical thread in the rarer livebearers forum identical to this thread.
Want me to add you as member 12 to the members list?
I enjoy doing my water changes too John.
When it comes to dosing antibacterials in a healthy tank, it is a bad practice that can lead to bacteria that are resistant to medications. Then when you get a sick fish and try to treat it, the medications don't work.
john were on vacation are you going
mallorca, 300 yards away from where they're doing this yearly absolutely mental fireworks display, they just fire everywhere. :eek: lol.
Anyone else got any holiday plans or they staying at home doing fish business :shifty:

btw, I'd rather go on a trip around the country for the summer looking at livebearer breeders set ups etc.. and buying fish along the way.
Lol, me in my campervan with a bed and 2 10gallon tanks I buy along the way :D
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