! ! ! Livebearer's Club ! ! !

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My Brachyrhaphis roseni female. The dark stripe is a color in all of them, males and females of this species.


My parents gave up trying to control what fish I have but my wife still insists that she doesn't want "bait" in the tank.
have you got fry from them yet
My Brachyrhaphis roseni female. The dark stripe is a color in all of them, males and females of this species.


My parents gave up trying to control what fish I have but my wife still insists that she doesn't want "bait" in the tank.
have you got fry from them yet

Those roseni are what I told someone about on tff recently, they were given them and they thought th black patch near gravid was the gravid but it isn't
Lol good luck! As my corys took 6 months to get them conditioned, grown from 2cm to 6 and finally spawn.cherry shrimp breed like mad in a planted tank, with a lot of java moss.
Lol good luck! As my corys took 6 months to get them conditioned, grown from 2cm to 6 and finally spawn.cherry shrimp breed like mad in a planted tank, with a lot of java moss.
A tank is complete with moss and live plants, I'll buy a breeding group probs to start off then sell the fry and keep 3 fry from every drop like 2 male 1 female & alternate each time. Cories spawn every 15 days :eek:
I belong to the ALA, as you could belong to the BLA Duck and Dive. I went to their national convention in Indianapolis this year. People there were from all over the US, Canada and even a few from your side of the pond. Needless to say, if you could afford to play, the auction at the end of that event was awesome. I brought Xenotoca eiseni and Xenotaenia resolanae to sell and other people brought what they had in surplus. The auction is really our way of raising money for the club and spreading around very nice livebearers. I even saw some beautiful lyretail red albino swords that looked just like the one on the cover of the livebearer edition of the Tropical Fish Hobbyist, the April 2009 edition. I think the reason it looked like that one is because it came from the same breeder who was selling off his surplus at the auction.
At that event, I am a beginner only. In your position, I would connect with the British Livebearer Association, I may anyway, to get the fish that you are lusting after. Any fish that is available eventually shows up at one of these events and if you know what you are looking for and are willing to spend the money, you come home with them. I actually spent more on plants and fish at a recent local club auction than I did at the ALA auction.
You really do have some gorgeous fish fish48! I look up to you and one day I would love to keep the fish that you have.

How the hell do you get hold of these fish!
Getting them is the easy bit its finding the space last year I put in a extra 50 tanks lol
I find that I must be very selective Fish48. I only have 20 tanks up and running and need to be careful because I only have a small number of additional small tanks that I could set up. After that I would need to add a fish room to my home, although that is indeed a possibility. I don't believe that MTS is the problem that it is made out to be.
well we all have are strenths on diffrent kinds of fish,
True too.
fry forever how are you doing with the danios
Uhm, I should actually change the sig, because I don't have them yet, but am getting them tomorrow. :blush:
Thought no one would ask, so I wouldn't have to change the sig after. (I normally forget....)
But, I DO have the tank ready, full of marbles, and my Mom really likes how it looks. :)
(I think it looks too unnatural....)
Yeah, true. I actually have to add more. :/
You're supposed to have like, 2 inches, but I barely have 1 inch. :/
You really do have some gorgeous fish fish48! I look up to you and one day I would love to keep the fish that you have.

How the hell do you get hold of these fish!
Getting them is the easy bit its finding the space last year I put in a extra 50 tanks lol
how much does one of the rares fish cost from the store
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