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I prefer Brachyrhaphis holdridgei.

"Stunning fish! :good: I've been looking for them for a while too, no luck though."

The second part after the smilie was a seperate comment, I didn't think that Brachyrhaphis holdridgei was zoogoneticus tequila.

Just making myself not look like a novice lol
My Brachyrhaphis roseni female. The dark stripe is a color in all of them, males and females of this species.


My parents gave up trying to control what fish I have but my wife still insists that she doesn't want "bait" in the tank.
You really do have some gorgeous fish fish48! I look up to you and one day I would love to keep the fish that you have.

How the hell do you get hold of these fish!
not me being 13 my parents dont want me to get rarer fish
I'm 12 and run sucessful guppy breeding programs. Once I set up a rio 125l, I'm thinking of getting a natural style with a group of breeding swordtails [like johnny's] a breeding group of albino/black cories, and some breeding endlers or guppies [cutting down on guppies to maybe just half black whites :eek: :D] in there. Then, any fry/eggs can go into what will be moved to my current 10g fry tank, and once big enough to another 10g for the bigger fry. May Also breed cherry shrimp since they sell like wildfire. All before I'm 14 :D
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