Little Nemo Diary

Omg...I've not read this thread for some time...
There are little clown fish!! :) Thats so cool! :) Congrats and Well Done for raising them! :D
Day 18

Baby Count: 8

Nothing much new. I did, however, notice a very curious and interesting behavior with them all... The other night I went to check in on them while they were "sleeping" and noticed something odd, but thought it was simply a coincidence. Last night, however, I checked in on them again and noticed the same thing. They sleep in pairs. Two sleep in each corner of the tank, and since there's 8 of them, it works out perfectly. Very funny and odd.

I tried getting a picture of one of the littlest babies, but the quality came out pretty bad. You can definitely see the difference between him and the others though.


And some more pictures from the bigger babies:
(cutest picture award?)


(^ Boss)


I wasn't expecting another chance so soon...
Clutch 4: Day 0


She's 5 days early!

doing a good job -Nemo- keep it up!

i check this everyday too!

Me too, first thing I look at when i get home :good: Do you think you will keep boss baby?

Seffie x

I'm not sure whether i'm keeping any or not yet. I was thinking about keeping a pair for another tank, but no final decision yet. If I do keep a pair, however, how could I resist Boss?

Thanks for the continuous support everyone! :good:
Sad news about the last clutch of eggs but great news about the new lot. At this rate you'll be turning professional fish breeder by the end of the year :lol:

Keep up the good work, this has to be the best thread every on fishforums - so additctive.
From Scubadaz: Keep up the good work, this has to be the best thread every on fishforums - so additctive.
Couldn't agree more!

and from Fish Crazy: Got to be something in the water ....viagra perhaps!
Quality pmsl.
Day 19

Baby Count: 8

Still nothing much new to report. The littlest two have almost completely gained their first two stripes :))). Boss's third stripe seems to be completely visible now, I'll try to get a picture tomorrow, he was being temperamental today. The black pigment on his pelvic fins is also becoming evident.

I have also increased the amount of feeding for momma and daddy. I'm now going to be feeding them twice a day, as per advice from a fellow breeder.

Still working on that hatching plan...

Feeding time:

Clutch 4: Day 1
Nice and orange (and hard to see on the orange pot...)


ooh wow how can she produce so quickly lol

congrats on the new clutch!

I was so surprised when I looked and saw her ova-depositor out! she laid 5 days early! I hope it's good and not bad. :unsure: Ever since the last clutch, she just always looks full of eggs. Her whole physique has changed. She constantly looks fat and pregnant now...

Something yummy in my tap water :shifty:
Well to start with Nemo I must say Thankyou! After reading this thread for the first time last night I decided I want to give it a try. I showed the thread to my mum and got so many "awww how cute"s and succesfully managed to get her approval to set up some more tanks to try this.

Really interesting thread :)

How did you manage to get a breeding pair of clowns? Did you keep them for some time and they just turned male/female and began to breed or did you buy a mated pair?

Well to start with Nemo I must say Thankyou! After reading this thread for the first time last night I decided I want to give it a try. I showed the thread to my mum and got so many "awww how cute"s and succesfully managed to get her approval to set up some more tanks to try this.

Really interesting thread :)

How did you manage to get a breeding pair of clowns? Did you keep them for some time and they just turned male/female and began to breed or did you buy a mated pair?


Glad to be of help :)

I've had these guys for almost three years, when I got them they were only a few months old.

If you need any help just let me know.
So basically you just have to get a pair and just wait for it to happen?

Also when I was reading though, the whole rotifer, phyto BBS ect confused me a little.
Could you tell me, in a simple way, what is cultivated and fed to what, if that makes sence, and also at what ages the clowns are at when you feed them different things? :)

Glad to know youll help me out in the hopefully near future.

So basically you just have to get a pair and just wait for it to happen?

Also when I was reading though, the whole rotifer, phyto BBS ect confused me a little.
Could you tell me, in a simple way, what is cultivated and fed to what, if that makes sence, and also at what ages the clowns are at when you feed them different things? :)

Glad to know youll help me out in the hopefully near future.


I didn't buy them with the necessary intention of breeding them, I hoped for it, but I was in no hurry for it to happen. I know several people who have gotten mated pairs and have had them mate again after being moved, so that's always a possibility to look into. Usually they "recover" faster and start mating again if moved with a clutch of their eggs.

If you get a younger pair, it can take as little as a year for them to become mature enough and to start mating. When they start to spawn depends on a variety of factors, it seems most importantly is nutrition. Also, some speculate they are influenced by lighting cycles, so having a more realistic cycle may help.

Onto feeding.

The first food the larvae receive is live rotifers. The actual rotifers are not the nutritious part, however, it's what the rotifers are eating that is good for the larvae so you are "gut loading" the rotifers. The rotifers are feed phytoplankton AKA greenwater (most people use the phytoplankton Nannochloropsis). The larvae are feed this solely for generally 5-7 days, and then NHBS (Newly Hatched brine shrimp) is introduced along with the rotifers. NHBS are not feed anything, because they are not hatched with a mouth or anus and therefore cannot. The yolk sac is the nutritious part of NHBS, so it is best to feed them to the larvae ASAP. I was trying to feed my larvae NHBS that were less than 36 hours old. I also started putting in some enriched flake food (enriched with zoecon) the same day as I introduced the NHBS, they were not very interested at first, but I think it helped them to recognize it as food.

I discontinued adding the rotifers at around Day 11; I stopped once I knew for certain that the smaller larvae were capable of eating the NHBS. From then on I feed NHBS and enriched flake food, NHBS 2 times a day, and flake food once a day. As they started gaining their stripes and completing metamorphosis, I switched to feeding NHBS only once a day, and flake food twice a day. The smaller ones are only now starting to eat the flake food, so within the next few days I will most likely be discontinuing adding NHBS and only adding flake food.

So to summarize
Day 1-5: Rotifers gut loaded with phytoplankton
Day 5-11: Gut loaded Rotifers, NHBS, and enriched Flake food
Day 12-Around 22: NHBS and Regular Flake food
Day 22+: Regular Flake food and perhaps some small/crushed pellets; once large enough I may also feed them some mysis.
Thanks nemo. Its also good to have advise from someone that you can actually see for yourself that it works.

Im sure i'll be back hopefully soon with a million more questions :p
In the mean time, I will keep an eye on this thread and check their progress.

Thanks again

Day 20

Baby Count: 8

Early update today, far too busy tonight. Checked levels today, and almost got a heart attack when I saw the salinity at 1.028 :crazy: I forget how easily 3G of water and evaporation can quickly change the salinity... Needless to say I put in about 1/2G of freshwater, dripping in and the salinity dropped to 1.024-1.025.

I also did a 1G water change, here were the stats prior to doing so:

pH: 7.8
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 20

Not too bad at all :)

Here's a better comparison between the smallest and biggest baby.



Biggest AKA Boss (Arrows showing third stripe and developing black pigment on pelvic fins):

Clutch 4: Day 2
Starting to gray up a little.

Day 21
3 weeks old yay :)

Baby Count: 8

All of the bigger ones now have black on their pelvic fins, no signs of a third stripe yet, however. I find that odd. Boss got his third stripe preceding his pigment on his pelvic fins. Orange coloring on Boss' caudal fin is darkening.

I'm trying to wean them off of BBS completely, but the two little ones still seem completely uninterested in the flake food... The others happily eat it all up.

Clutch 4: Day 3
Were completely gray when I got home yesterday night; black eyes starting to appear today.


There is a big difference between Boss baby and Titch baby

Seffie x

There is a ton of difference... They don't even look like they're from the same clutch anymore!

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