Little Nemo Diary

oh wow a baby clown!

his stripe is bigger than he is lol

are the eggs still in the main tank? as i thought you seperated them last time
When I saw that picture there was an audible awwwwwwww, so cute :wub:

Seffie x

ps are you tempted to buy a pair of rarer clowns and breed?
oh wow a baby clown!

his stripe is bigger than he is lol

are the eggs still in the main tank? as i thought you seperated them last time

Yea, the stripes seem a little non-proportional at the moment, I'm sure he'll grow right into them :)
The eggs are still currently in the main tank, I'm only moving them right before they are expected to hatch (night of the eighth day), which is tonight. So I'm setting up the new tank in a couple hours.

When I saw that picture there was an audible awwwwwwww, so cute :wub:

Seffie x

ps are you tempted to buy a pair of rarer clowns and breed?

You should have seen my reaction when I first saw those stripes :lol:
I am tempted... Not sure what kind I would get, however. Nor do I know where I would put another larger tank.. I'm already scraping for room with an upgrade for my display tank. I'm also looking for room for a 5G for a couple pairs of dwarf SH.
Day 15

Baby Count: 8

There seems to be 4 different "Stages" ongoing between the 8 at the moment. One (shown in the pictures yesterday) is ahead of the rest, today being even darker orange and stripes being even more defined. A second, is just behind the first, with pretty noticeable stripes, but not as white. Four have transparent outlines for stripes, and two (the smallest ones) don't appear to have any signs of stripe formation. These two smallest are probably almost half the size of the rest, but still seem to be going strong and eating well.

I have now started to wean them off BBS, they are now only receiving BBS once a day and enriched flake food twice a day. It seems to be going well, I have physically seen them eating the flake.

I have also added the sponge filter in, however, the water level is now too low for it to function properly, so I'm currently dripping in an extra gallon (Total Tank Volume = 4G now).

I have also added in the fake anemone. I started noticing yesterday, that the most developed clowns seemed to be lingering in the corners, never straying too far even for food. As soon as I placed the anemone in, the two with stripes immediately went to the anemone and have not left it since. They are now much more active.

FTS as it is now (Extra gallon was still being dripped in on the right)


The two babies in their anemone. (Flash was on, they're not really THAT shiny :))



Clutch 3: Eggs - Day 8
Hatch night tonight! (Hopefully)

Daddy taking care of them:


Here is where they will be going:


A simple 5G plastic container painted black (except the bottom with is still clear).
It is only filled to 3G, tank water has already been put in and heated up to 80F.
Only contains an air line with air stone and heater.
Day 16

Baby Count: 8

Not much new going on. All of them are still gaining stripes and pigmentation. The "older" (has more pigmentation) one has become quite the bossy baby. Apparently that's HIS anemone now. In addition to never leaving it (except to quickly grab some food) he has started to chase away his siblings from HIS anemone. He does allow the second "oldest" to dwell in the anemone, however. It's quite interesting (and of course cute).

The eggs... were a total loss. :sad:
I woke up this morning and quickly looked but it appeared none had hatched. Later I looked more carefully only to discover that they had in fact hatched, just none of them survived. I would guess about 60% of the eggs hatched, the others already turned white. There were bodies all over the bottom of the tank... Really a depressing thing to see. I took the pot out and put it back in the display and daddy went straight to work cleaning it up.

What went wrong? I can only guess.
My best guess is pH shock. Upon seeing what had happened, I tested the water. Temperature, salinity were perfect. Trace amount of ammonia (maybe 0.1ppm), but with so much decay in the water, to be expected. pH I surprisingly found at 7.8. The water from the display tank I used is 8.3 which means the water went down 0.5 in a very short period of time.
I has added in green water last night (not a lot but maybe a cup and a half), not even thinking about how it could be bad. The water for the green water is kept at a pH of 7.6. It doesn't seem like a 1.5 cups could change the pH of 3G so dramatically, but I can't find any other explanation. It would also make sense with clutch #2 and the large deaths which occurred within the first couple days, lots of green water was added and made the pH lower rather quick.
I have been dripping in everything, but didn't even think of dripping in the green water, from now on I am.

Anyone have any input?
Sorry to hear you lost all the eggs.
I guess its all one BIG learning curve.
Im very impressed with what you have done so far!!!
Well done and keep up the good work (raising the fry and posting all updates on here)
Im addicted lol.
I have to agree Richy, I too am addicted.

Sounds a possiblitly to me nemo a rapid decrease in PH

Seffie x
Day 17

Baby Count: 8

Still continuing on their stripe and pigmentation development. I'd estimate their length to be at about 1cm now (from head to caudal fin). More are having the tendency to go in or stay close to the anemone. They are very active little fish. I got a good look at the two smallest, they fortunately are developing stripes, just at a much slower rate; the stripes are barely visible at the moment. Another 1G water change today.

A top view of a randomly chosen baby:

And side view:

Here's the appropriately named "Boss" baby. You can really see the pigmentation development here. His dorsal fins are very visible now, as is his third stripe, his pelvic fins and his caudal fin (PS: he had his mouth open, that's why he looks so odd).

As to the eggs:
Thank you everyone, it's a shame.
I spoke with some other breeders and they think that may have only been part of it. Apparently leaving the clay pot in all night long has shown a significant increase in early deaths in experiments some have done. So yes, the learning curve continues.
Next time:
- Green water drip lined in AFTER hatching
- Clay pot removed ASAP after hatching is finished (<-- still trying to come up with a game plan as to how to assume hatching is over).

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