Little Nemo Diary

Day 27

Baby count: 8

Water change today. Parameter prior to the change:
Salinity: 1.024 :)))
pH: 8.0
NitRATes: 10

More pigmentation starting again. Orange on the caudal and pectoral fins, seen here:

Second to littlest baby has found another residence :)
Hosting the heater now it seems... Chasing all others away. Better than the corner!
He seems to have taken onto flake food now, not going to the surface to get it, but waiting till it falls lower. Now just have to wait for littlest baby to start...


Clutch 4
Day 1

Baby Count: 9

Good... and bad.
Bad: Somehow the heater got unplugged during the night resulted in a water temperature of around 65F this morning.
Good: Every baby that hatched seems to have lived through it.

While only 9 hatched, I couldn't find any dead bodies, so it looks like the ones that hatched all lived. I think as the water got colder the others didn't hatch, so hopefully tonight. This morning the eggs looked fine, but not i'm not sure as to looking at them again. They aren't pure white as usual with bad eggs the next morning, so that's a good sign.

The 9 all seem to be doing well, much more active now with the warmer water. Nice full bellies of rotifers :)

Baby picture!
Day 28

Baby Count: 8

I skipped out on feeding any BBS today, hoping to entice the littlest baby into eating the flake. No luck thus far, but will be repeating tomorrow. If he isn't eating it tomorrow, I will switch back to BBS for a little bit longer. All else is well.

Clutch 4
Day 2

Baby Count: ~20
Known Deaths: 7

Some more hatched last night, the remainder of the eggs have turned white/have gained a distasteful odor. I would guess there are around 20, that is a low guess, there many be quite a few more hiding around. I only counted about 7 deads on the bottom. Everyone seems to be doing well, I see bellies full of rotifers, I made sure the rotifer density was quite high.

Unfortunately no pictures, its too dark of a day outside to capture good pictures of their little selves, and nothing replaces good old sunlight (at least that I personally own).

And as an off-topic, just needed to post a picture of my two new members of the family :wub:
Getting along extremely well thus far, never leave each others sides.


EDIT: I think I spot an ova-depositor starting to come out... MORE ALREADY??
wow...i struggled to count just over 100 eggs!!! you must have good eye site :blink: i really want my own clown fish! there super cute! but erm, how are you going to feed so many little ones??
Day 29

Baby Count: 8

Everyone's doing great, no obvious pigment changes.
Operation: No BBS - Successful!
Littlest baby has began to eat the flake! Similar to second to smallest baby, he is only eating them as they fall, but better than nothing. I think I will still feed them the BBS, just not so often. Maybe 2 or 3 times week. I'm growing out the BBS I have left with phyto to feed the display tank. They're in for a delicious treat :)

Clutch 4
Day 3

Baby Count: 15-18?

Very difficult to get anywhere near an accurate count on these little guys. Judging partially by the dead bodies found, there is definitely no more than a loss of 3 or 4 from yesterday. I think the increase in the amount of rotifers is partially to be given credit.

No pictures :( Too busy. Lots tomorrow!
And also, ova-depositor yesterday was a false alarm. I think momma's just so fat at the moment, that it was started to be squeezed out from all those eggs! Daddy is cleaning up the pot today, but other than that no egg laying behavior. Most likely eggs tomorrow. Momma looks like she's going to explode!

wow...i struggled to count just over 100 eggs!!! you must have good eye site :blink: i really want my own clown fish! there super cute! but erm, how are you going to feed so many little ones??

I took a picture, opened up photoshop and made a red mark for every egg I counted; that helped tons. Only the second clutch did I actually sit in front of the tank and attempt to count the eggs :lol: I don't know what I was thinking.
Day 30

Baby Count: 8

Nothing much new, pigmentation has slowed again. Second to littlest baby now has to share his heater... with littlest baby and one of the larger babies. All still eating flake :) haven't given anymore BBS to them yet. I tried videoing them, but they are still fairly small and the video feature on my camera focuses horribly, so it was just orange blobs floating along..


And littlest baby in his new spot(finally with his third stripe forming :)):

Clutch 4
Day 4

Baby Count: 12-15

I should be past the major dying out period now..
Did a quick water change, just to siphon the bottom of all the deads and excess junk that was starting to build up; ending up replacing 1/2G of water. Still eating lots of yummy rotis.

Day 31

Baby Count: 8

One month old! happy birthday to them :D :hyper: :fun: !!
Voraciously gobbling down that flake food, maybe I'll give them some BBS tomorrow as a late present.

Gave in and uploaded the video anyways. Just shows them swimming around. You can see the 5 in their anemone and then the other 3 hanging out around the heater.

Clutch 4
Day 5

Baby Count: 10?

Could only spot 2 new deads today, but could only spot 10 babies.
Getting easier to see though, noticeably getting bigger.


Clutch 5 :)D)
Day 0

Pleasantly surprised when I got home. Surprised more, because the eggs are so ridiculously orange! Orange eggs = good eggs :) I'm assuming that it was the increase in food since the last clutch, what a difference.
She was 2 days "early" this time; she laid these eggs 12 days after the previous clutch.


This picture was taken under just the actinics (that's why its all blue) with a flashlight pointing on the eggs. It really shows the color and how amazingly orange they are.


Nice little diary you have going here. I'm purely a freshwater guy, but this has me looking every other day!

Great to hear! (Maybe you should convert ;))
Day 32

Baby Count: 8

Nothing new to report. :( No pigmentation or behavioral changes.

Clutch 4
Day 6

Baby Count: 10

Pretty positive that there are 10 babies at this point. 2 more is better than not?
Saw no new bodies, so there must have been 10 there yesterday as well.
All are sticking to the walls as they seem to do, the only thing I can figure is that if you look carefully it looks like the phyto is sticking to the sides, which probably causes the rotifers to migrate there and therefore the babies sit there to eat. Smart little guys.


Clutch 5
Day 1

More orange today, I'm very excited about this batch because of how colorful they are!
Egg Count tomorrow, they're still too hard to see and count. Tomorrow they should be graying up.


wow you are going to be over-run with clownfish soon !

That's how it should be!
Didn't do an update yesterday, was extremely busy and there wasn't much to update on anyways.

Day 34

Baby Count: 8

They got a special treat today!! I picked up some Nutramar (Prawn roe) and shared some with them. They loved it! Gobbled it all up and afterwards I could see big bellies on them all!

Happily Eating:

Clutch 4
Day 8

Baby Count: 10

A little late with giving them some BBS, but I have some hatching at the moment and so they'll be getting their first BBS tomorrow.


Clutch 5
Day 2


Day 3


Egg Count: 570 :hyper:

570 beautifully colored eggs!
Super excited about these guys.

I just spent that last 45 minutes reading this topic and all I have to say is that I did not waste my time. Glad how your progress is going, gonna look often for updates.

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