Baby Apisto Food suggestions?

How old are your babies?

Maybe is already possible to feed them with baby brine shrimp. One thing that usually works as food for newborn fry is infusoria.
How old are your babies?
They are now approximately 3 weeks old.

I was in school on the 24th after a weekend traveling when my sibling found them in the tank. So they were probably born 20-23rd

I have four total. Two of which are quite big and I’ve been putting crushed adult food and a itty bitty smidge of Hikari fresh bites in every day. It took a bit long after their discovery to find proper baby food 🥲
Yea next time hatch some bbs; the thing is that the first week they start eating they really do better if the food swims - i.e, they have chase instinct; golden perls will sort of work as the food falls but it is not nearly as effective. After 3 weeks of eating food (approx 4th week) they can eat ground flakes or adult foods ground up - i use bug bite flakes.

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