Little Nemo Diary

there so cool!!! i want one :hyper: your female wow shes good! and the little baby fish wow!! such an amazing thread this is!
Day 22

Baby Count: 8

Nothing new to report. They're still eating and growing :)


A few of them wandering around the anemone:

Clutch 4: Day 4
Little eyes are staring at me :)

Nemo are you going to sell them?

As much as i love the prospect of keeping every one of them, I physically cannot. :sad: So yes, I will be selling them. A friend of mine asked for a couple before they were even hatched :lol: and the rest are to be sold to where I work. I can make sure they get good homes :)
id be intrested in a pair if you could tell me how id setup a tank for em :)
Day 23

Baby count: 8

All of the babies (minus the two smallest) have now got at least the outlines of their third stripe if not the whole stripe. The littlest baby seems to be doing a little better, he had been lingering away from the others because they would chase him away, but now he's been swimming closer to the anemone. Still not going up to eat flake food yet though...
I'm a little worried about the second to smallest baby. He's been swimming in a corner in the opposite side of the tank for the last couple days.. Only leaves to eat BBS. He is doing similar behavior as Boss was before I put the anemone in. Maybe I'll buy him his own little anemone for that corner ;)

Another water change today, salinity checked out at around 1.0255, lowered to 1.024

Another comparison between littlest baby and one of the larger ones:

Clutch 4: Day 5
Little silver developing around their eyes

Not sure how I managed this shot... I WAS cleaning that tank today and slightly moved the eggs closer so they'd be easier to photograph. What a difference it made! Maybe i'll do an egg count later :shifty:


And a closer shot of them and their little eyes:

id be intrested in a pair if you could tell me how id setup a tank for em :)

Not quite sure they'd enjoy the trip across the ocean :sad:
ah...your not in the uk :( oh well keep on updating, im enjoying watching this threading and waiting for the updates!
Computer all back up and working now :)
Darn viruses :(
I nearly lost everything on it.

Day 24

Baby Count: 8

Nothing new to report. Littlest baby has started to hang out with his big brothers now, swimming a round with them. Still not eating flake... :( He better start with it soon...


Day 25

Baby Count: 8

I finally gave up waiting for the second to smallest baby to get away from his corner. So, I went in and herded him over to the others. Since then, he's like a whole other fish. Swimming all around with the others instead of swimming in one spot in a corner... It's like he lost them before and was waiting to find them again. Such odd little fish.

Clutch 4
Day 6:
More silver present on their eyes


Day 7:
Even more Silver, entire egg lightened up in color a little bit


Tomorrow's hatch night :) Setting up the tank again tomorrow. Hope everything goes better this time!
Day 26

Baby Count: 8

Woke up and second to smallest baby is back in his corner. I'll just let him be there for now, the rest of them are constantly bickering with each other so maybe he just doesn't want to be involved with that :rolleyes: Regardless, he's moving around a lot more than he was prior to yesterday.

Littlest baby is finally getting a teeny bit of his third stripe. :)

Still trying to get them off of BBS, but the two little ones still show no interest in flake. I think i'm going to start skipping BBS altogether certain days, and see if it helps at all.

The larger ones seem to have slowed with their pigment gain, and are now just growing large in general. They are getting much bulkier.

Daily Boss photo:

Clutch 4: Day 8
Very silver eyes now, hatch night tonight :)
Setting up the tank shortly, and since it gets dark so early this time of year, turning out the lights for them earlier than usual so hopefully I can check up on them later tonight. Being extra careful this time; making sure they (the eggs) are properly acclimated to everything. Hope for the best!



Finally got around to counting them :)
648 eggs!

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