Little Nemo Diary

Good to hear people are into the topic!

We are!

This is a great thread, can't wait for the next update. I'm hooked and I'm at work, so I can't even see the pictures :good:

Just as an aside, what will you be doing with the fish that survive, I take it you won't have the space to keep them all, do you sell them on to a LFS?

Day 9

Baby Count: 10?
^I saw one of the runts of the litter not doing well this morning, but I don't where the other one went and I see no bodies... Maybe he'll show up later

Nothing much new to report. They are really showing signs of getting into metamorphesis. 8/10 are nearly completely orange and can definitely notice the change in how they swim. Two or three of them are starting to sway like actual clownfish, by "wagging" their caudal fin.

Bellies all full of brine shrimp! Adding twice a day now, along with the daily addition of flake with zoecon.

Oh that photo is lovely, wonder when he will grow into his eyes :fun:

Seffie x

I realized that picture was a little misleading. because it is top view, it makes them look very thin, but really they have started to bulk up quite a bit. Here was my best shot at taking a side picture through glass and green water :p


Clutch 3: Eggs - Day 2

Bit of a progression picture.
All have already darkened up to their gray color (I think this is the fastest they have changed color- good or bad?)


this is amazing!

are you going to raise them every 15 days?? :eek:

lol they must get knackered!

I am going to try my best, at the moment I'm trying to work out a system for having the various tanks. I will have each clutch for around 3 months each, so I have to figure out what's best. The good thing is this is a fish house, so God knows how many fish tanks we have hanging around...

Good to hear people are into the topic!

We are!

This is a great thread, can't wait for the next update. I'm hooked and I'm at work, so I can't even see the pictures :good:

Just as an aside, what will you be doing with the fish that survive, I take it you won't have the space to keep them all, do you sell them on to a LFS?


I actually work at my LFS and so I have a setup with my manager there for selling them. I may keep a couple, however, for a separate display tank, not certain yet.
Day 10

Baby Count: 10
^Don't know what happened to that other one...

The remaining seem to be very well through metamorphosis. All are now "wagging" and nearly all (except for one smaller one) have changed orange. Still searching for a definite sign of a stripe..

Picked up a couple simple sponge filters, one sitting in my sump at the moment gathering up some bacteria until hopefully tomorrow when I can put in with the babies and get some filtering going on in there. Also did a small 1G water change again today.

Clutch 3: Eggs - Day 3

No noticeable changes. Didn't get the chance to snap a picture today before the lights went out for the night.
Day 11

Baby Count: 10

Nothing much new to note. I think they're definitely eating flake now.. I put some in tonight and they started going crazy, the same way they behave when I put some BBS in :).

More baby pictures! They're getting easier to photograph as they're getting bigger, now that camera can actually see them (they're probably around 1cm long at the moment) :sly:
Top and side view:



Clutch 3: Eggs - Day 4
Even darker in color; Black eyes visible

Day 12

Baby Count: 10

Same old, same old. Still searching for that stripe.. I thought I had put the sponge filter in the sump the other day but turns out I got distracted and didn't :unsure: So I put it in last night. Tomorrow will be another 1G water change and I will be adding in the filter.

More Pictures :)


And a close-up:


You cannot see it in those pictures, but most of them are orange with the back end of their bodies being a slight yellow color but almost entirely clear. There are 2 or 3, however, which have black ends after the orange. It makes me curious why that is.

Clutch 3: Eggs - Day 5
The silver outline of their eyes it just starting to to begin in a few of them (cannot be seen in picture)

Day 13

Baby Count: 8
^No idea what happened. I only found the body of one, he was one of the larger ones. They all seemed to be doing amazing :sad:

The good news, however, is FINALLY stripes have been spotted :) Not yet white, but translucent. It simply looks like a streak of color which is much brighter than the rest of their body and it located right where their head stripe will be. It looks like it's on all of them, except I cannot tell on the two small ones. I'll try and see if I can manage a picture tomorrow, but I don't think it'll show.

Clutch 3: Eggs - Day 6
All of their eyes are completely silver now. Busy day, couldn't manage a picture; I'll get one tomorrow.
you could always submit this to PFK's breeding section
Great thread!! Cant wait for the next update!!
We have pair of Pink Skunk Clowns, hoping they will breed soon!!
Day 14

Baby Count: 8

I now officially have my first juvenile clownie :good:
You'll recall yesterday I said you could see the outlines of the stripes because they were transparent, this morning I woke up to one which had nearly full white stripes! He has his head and middle stripe :) Hopefully the others follow suit tomorrow :hyper:



Size Comparisons? I guess... And a side profile



Water change again today (1/2 G). Same feeding schedule still, 2x brine shrimp and 1x enriched crushed flake

Clutch 3: Eggs - Day 7
Totally silver, hatch day tomorrow night!


From now on I think I will be using 5G rounded rectangle plastic containers for all future clutches, set-up pictures tomorrow hopefully.

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