Little Nemo Diary

Day 4

Baby Count: 18
Known Deaths: 23

Water Stats:
NO3: 30

Unfortunately, a large amount of the babies seemed to have died last night, to be expected, but i didn't expect that many. Hopefully the ones left are strong and will live through the metamorphism. I have an official count of 18 babies now.

Instead of doing a water change, I simply syphoned out all of the debris and dead fry at the bottom, and did not fill with fresh saltwater (reasons: 1- They don't need 4 full gallons of water 2- To save on my nanno and rotifer supplies). I only took about 1/3 of a gallon out.

They seem to be darkening up in color a lot, their tails are blackening, and their bodies are getting yellow/orange in them.

Tomorrow: Starting some baby brine shrimp (BBS) - if all goes well I will start mixing the BBS in their diet alongside the rotifers.
Man this is an addictive thread, I have to give progress updates each night to the wife on how many are still going strong. Keep in there, hope you dont loose anymore.

Boards were down last night when I was gong to update, So i'll update for yesterday's now, and for today's later tonight.

Day 5

Baby count: 13
Known Deaths: 28

The deaths continue :( Not as many anymore though, which is good. I never had all 4 sides of the tank covered in black, so I have now done so; for whatever reason, I have a feeling it may make the difference having that fourth side in black. Before they were hanging all against the back wall and since covering the front, they are now swimming everywhere rather than just staying in the back.

Put in some brine shrimp to hatch, 1/4 of a gram, which should be about 50,000 BBS :look:
Way more than I need, but this was just a first run for them, we'll see how many actually hatch later. I'm sure the main tank wouldn't mind the extra.

Man this is an addictive thread, I have to give progress updates each night to the wife on how many are still going strong. Keep in there, hope you dont loose anymore.


Thanks :hyper:
Good to hear people are into the topic!
Day 6

Baby Count: 13
Known Deaths: 28

All babies account for :)
Looks like they're starting to go through their metamorphosis! They are really darkening up and getting some nice orange color, I'm going to try and find my magnify glass tomorrow and see if I can spot some stripes forming :)
The size difference in some of them is very evident, there are very large ones and some which are still quite little.

Baby Pictures! You can see some good detail on some of the pictures!




BBS started hatching but not nearly all of them, also the hatched eggs don't seem to be floating to the top... :blink:
I'm going to wait until tomorrow afternoon and then feed them.
Day 7

Baby Count: 13 :)

Still going strong. Today was water change day, so i syphoned up about 1G using airline tubing and then refilled with display tank water by dripping it back in (4 hour process in total...).

Brine shrimp was a semi-failure. I'm not sure even exactly how to explain why. But, I gave the babies some more rotifers and greenwater, and then sucked up some BBS with a syringe and put them in for the babies. I seem to get about 20 BBS each time, and I think i've put in about 4 syringe fulls with about a 10 minute interval, so hopefully around 100 BBS. They seem to be going after them though, wonderful :)
I'll be watching out tomorrow for those pink/orange bellies now instead of silver.
I think I will feed them BBS about 3 times a day, while continuing to give them rotifers.

I also crushed (I mean pulverized) some Omega 1 Flake food for them as well, not much, just 1 flake, and then soaked it in a drop of zoecon before giving it to them, they seem to be going after that as well. I'll probably be trying to add that just once a day for now.

In other news...
Momma clownfish is on time. 15 Days later and she's at it again!

Pre-lay (Notice her big belly and her depositer tube is out):

And while still laying (gorgeous eggs):

I will be raising this clutch as well :)
I really enjoy reading this thread.
Keep up the great work.
looking forward to your next post/update. :good:
Day 8

Baby Count: 12
^ 1 died, but he hadn't been looking too healthy, not moving around as much as the others, often just sitting against the side of the glass turned in some odd way.

They're really starting to look like little clown fish now :)
A few of them are really really turning orange now and on the one that looks more advanced in his metamorphosis, you can almost see a small stripe...

Here's his debut close-up!

Brine shrimp seems to be going well. On that guy in particular ^ You can see a big full tummy of brine shrimp (Their stomachs appear orange/pink as they begin eating BBS). Since the BBS are so much bigger than the rotifers, you can actually see them attack the BBS and eat them. Such a cute thing to watch.
I added pulverized flake food enriched with Zoecon again today, not sure if they're eating it yet, however...

Clutch 3: Eggs Day 1


Looking good so far! Not sure if i'll be doing an egg count this time, look at them all! Maybe later if I get horrifically bored :p


how many times do they lay?

Most lay every 2 weeks, (mine have been doing every 15 days so far), and from what i read they will continue to lay for around 5 years if everything goes well.

@Seffie & Richy: Thanks guys! Good to have the support!

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