Thanks so much guys xx The bronze really were eyepopping when I got them with their size and health, they are getting friskier by the day and hope some eggs soon. The schultzei are absolutely gorgeous (even my parnter admires them!) Hope to have exciting updates soon.
With regards to the others:
Caudimaculatus - spawn on occasion but usually find empty egg sacs but good to know they keep going
Gold Perus - they are growing well and gaining more colour each day the lovelies
Pandas - the remainder have grown well and gained body weight so all is looking good, have at least one female which is good news
Habrosus - these fellows absolutely loved it when I opened the cube tank up and are even more active than the pygmies were, they especially have loved the addition of lamp eyes and galaxy rasbora
Pygmies - sadly the last one out of thirteen passed away this week, the tank has been taken apart and sterilised. It has been a shame with them perhaps in the future might try again but now happy with everyone I have.
You have heard this before but no more cories!

Im am over the moon with everyone I have and love all my tanks to pieces