Starting again
Thanks sweets 
Im a little excited this morning as I believe I have seen my first T position or at least close to it from the unlikeliest of my cories, the caudimaculatus (they are the shyest I have). They generally are lurkers on the bottom and only real times I see them is during friskiness.
This morning a female and what I assume is a male (as he is muc smaller and thye are fully grown) have been panning the glass next to and infront of the filter (good aeration presume) and the male keeps nudging the female in the side and tickling her. She keeps shimmying but cant see any eggs underneath (keeping a good distance not to disturb and also have bad eyesight
) I dont often get to see the action but this has chirped me up this morning, unfortunately off to work soon so will have to hope they lay the eggs out of reach of anyone else 
Im a little excited this morning as I believe I have seen my first T position or at least close to it from the unlikeliest of my cories, the caudimaculatus (they are the shyest I have). They generally are lurkers on the bottom and only real times I see them is during friskiness.
This morning a female and what I assume is a male (as he is muc smaller and thye are fully grown) have been panning the glass next to and infront of the filter (good aeration presume) and the male keeps nudging the female in the side and tickling her. She keeps shimmying but cant see any eggs underneath (keeping a good distance not to disturb and also have bad eyesight