Large Empty Tank And Thinking Of Oscars.....

FTS's of the latests tankmates wouldnt go too far amiss there Matt :) Its been a while since we last saw, and the stocking has certainly changed somewhat since the lask sneak peak :p

All in good time, i'll wait patiently :)
i sat for about 25 minutes last night trying to get a pic of the pike be every time a took the pic it shot off leaving a blur :angry: the only pic i have of him is in the bag the day i got it....

ill try and get some more :good:

i was going to finish this topic of that seems to have become a bit of a journal with a photo of every fish thats in the tank, in the tank..... my stocking is now complete for now unless i find a decent priced true parrot :drool: and until the ornatums have grown and the EBJD has grown :good:

ill get some pics asap.
Really really can't wait for your Electric Jack to mature. Its about the only thing i'm truely stuck to the forum for currently :) My interest was waining somewhat untill you bought your Jack :)
Really really can't wait for your Electric Jack to mature. Its about the only thing i'm truely stuck to the forum for currently :) My interest was waining somewhat untill you bought your Jack :)
i cant wait either i really want this fish and the ornatums in my tank...... :drool:

i saw some 5 inch EBJD's that werent for sale at oddball express as they were a pair but they didnt look anywhere near as nice as yours mate. they also looked quite pale blue and almost white in places..... :blink:
As i said to you in pm mate, i don't think yours will come out anywhere near as blue as mine going from Jeff Rapps previous pairs. Also, pairs of electric blue Jacks don't create EB fry, only normal Jacks. Its all very confusing and long winded, to much so to type when i'm this tired haha. Besides i'm sure i've spoke of it all before.

I havnt seen a living EBJD close to mine, only pictures. I'd love to know how the rest of my Jacks batch turned out, unfortunately thats an impossible task.

The colouration difference in Jacks, and even EB Jacks is amazing. Varying from the down-right stunning (hopefully mine), to almost runt-like washed out specimens. It can be hard chosing fry, i looked for ages before decided when and where to get mine, and at what cost! :lol:

Your Jack will hopefully be big enough to enter the main tank in 12 months or so. Fingers crossed :p
Ask a mod if they can move this to the journals section :good:
As i said to you in pm mate, i don't think yours will come out anywhere near as blue as mine going from Jeff Rapps previous pairs. Also, pairs of electric blue Jacks don't create EB fry, only normal Jacks. Its all very confusing and long winded, to much so to type when i'm this tired haha. Besides i'm sure i've spoke of it all before.

I havnt seen a living EBJD close to mine, only pictures. I'd love to know how the rest of my Jacks batch turned out, unfortunately thats an impossible task.

The colouration difference in Jacks, and even EB Jacks is amazing. Varying from the down-right stunning (hopefully mine), to almost runt-like washed out specimens. It can be hard chosing fry, i looked for ages before decided when and where to get mine, and at what cost! :lol:

Your Jack will hopefully be big enough to enter the main tank in 12 months or so. Fingers crossed :p
no need to explain the EBJD breeding thing as i read it the other day.... quite confusing :lol:

im sure however it turns out it will be a great fish and add a huge colour boost to the tank. ryan has bought one today so there is another for you to watch grow on the forum :hyper:
here are a few pics of fish the tank is currently stocked with. ill add the others when i can get a decent picture of them :nod:







ill add pics of the pike cichlid and jaguar catfish when they say hello to me or keep still for long enough :lol:
and a few shots of the tank





and a few pics of the fish i have to grow up before i add them


I think you should have gone with a big tank of tetras :lol:
Nah, I think it looks good mate :good:

Tank is looking great Matt, and the stocking is just fantastic! :good:

thanks James :good:

i have 1 more addition to the stocking my recently bought Flier cichlid :drool:
thanks James :good:

i have 1 more addition to the stocking my recently bought Flier cichlid :drool:

Just remember to leave room for the Ray :hey:

+1 on the idea of Birchirs! Or maybe a fire eel?

Nice Flier aswell!

i added the pike instead of a birchir or eel and am now kind of regreting it a bit as he has become very boistrous and even ripped Keiths fins.... :angry: i just dont think he is going to fit in anymore :sad:
the tank cant really take any more fish as it seems quite happy now and plenty of movement so im not going to risk anything else...... yet :hey:
impressive stock list youve built up now matt . tank looks great too , keith obviously isnt too bad for doing the old oscar interior design :lol:
I keep meaning to ask how is the little EBJD growing?

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