L_Plates - Fishless Cycle Log - Complete

Its not a sticky background just a film. I taped it at the top and then pulled it tight at the bottom and taped it off.
That sounds like a lively and colourful tank, LP. I hadn't seen hillstream loaches before, so I just looked them up and they are really quite cute. Do they like to be in groups, or are they good on their own?

Hope you enjoy your shopping today!
That sounds like a lively and colourful tank, LP. I hadn't seen hillstream loaches before, so I just looked them up and they are really quite cute. Do they like to be in groups, or are they good on their own?

Hope you enjoy your shopping today!

I have 2 in my small tank and they seem happy enough. Not really sure what they recommend.

Ok today was the day i have been waiting for, FISH DAY !!

What did i buy: 12 Copper Harlequins, 12 Five Banded Barbs, 6 Peppered Cory, 4 Rams, 4 Hillstream Loaches, 3 Assassin Snails.

Here is a few images and a video.

Fish getting use to the water

Fish in

The five banded barbs are still alittle skittish and spend most of there time hidden in the wood whenever i move around the room. The rest are all happy and settling in, and they seem to love the powerhead using it as a kickstart to get to the other side of the tank !

The Rams are just BEAUTIFUL fish, big thanks to Kitty Kat for the recommendation.

Videos Not the best but gives you a look better than images.

Sex my rams.
When at the shop i asked for 2 male and 2 females. Did i get this ? Here is a few images.

Ram 1 - Male or female ?

Ram 2 - Male or female ?

Ram 3 - Male or female ?

Ram 4 - Male or female ?

Cheers LP
Here is a video of the rams as well.

If they are all female i will have to take them back.

I would be happy if at least 1 was male.

I would think 1 and 2 are female, 3 and 4 are male as the anal fins are larger on both males. I might have that backwards mind, i cant recall exactly, humm, males possibly have pointed anal fins so....bleh its one way or the other, i think you got an ok ratio. :D

Shame you have gravel i thought you were going with sand, both corys and rams would have prefered it a lot.

Good choice with the pentas, i'd probably bump both them and the rasboras up to 20 each, will look a litlte more impressive. :)

Looking good though matey, hope you enjoy it.

PS, with the rams done get freaked out if they turn really dark at night time, they generally only colour up in daylight.
I would think 1 and 2 are female, 3 and 4 are male as the anal fins are larger on both males. I might have that backwards mind, i cant recall exactly, humm, males possibly have pointed anal fins so....bleh its one way or the other, i think you got an ok ratio. :D

Shame you have gravel i thought you were going with sand, both corys and rams would have prefered it a lot.

Good choice with the pentas, i'd probably bump both them and the rasboras up to 20 each, will look a litlte more impressive. :)

Looking good though matey, hope you enjoy it.

PS, with the rams done get freaked out if they turn really dark at night time, they generally only colour up in daylight and go a little chameleon dark at night.

The 3 largest seem to have the pinkish blush on there bellies and the smallest is just a juvenile with hardly any colour yet. ARRRGHHH!! hehe.

Sand was in my smaller tank Tizer gravel was in this tank from the off. Its nice and smooth gravel so hopefully it will be ok. If not i will change over if i have to.

I agree on the numbers, a few more of each specially the harlequins it would look great :)

Think you have the same stock as me near enough, but your going to need some more cover for those rams once they grow and pair off, best to do it now :)
I agree, some of my plants i ordered was out of stock so i need to re order again. Also i have some spare wood and rock i will be using.

Im just hoping the rams are not all female.
Where did you get your plants from they look nice, im wondering do i get the 100 plants from flebay for £20 or fork out another £50 and get some from aqua essentials.

1 of them look male to me, but even if they pair off i read the other female may eat her eggs.....sigh it like having kids all over again lol
Where did you get your plants from they look nice, im wondering do i get the 100 plants from flebay for £20 or fork out another £50 and get some from aqua essentials.

1 of them look male to me, but even if they pair off i read the other female may eat her eggs.....sigh it like having kids all over again lol

All my plants are from the green machine, great quality plants (Tropica)

A few of my plants i ordered was not in stock so i need to re-order. I plan on adding more wood and maybe some stones on the left but i will have to wait till i get the plants as i dont want to be continuously messing in the tank.

I called the LFS today about the rams and they said to leave the rams a few days to colour up and then take some images of them. Then i can take the images into the shop and if i have not been given the correct ratio they will swap them for me. They said to do it this way as not to stress out the fish with bagging them up until needed. Great advice.


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