L_Plates - Fishless Cycle Log - Complete

Any update on the five banded barbs? I am very seriously considering them, as like you I love the look of the tigers, but don't enjoy their reputation. The five-banded seem ideal, but only if they are in the midwater. If they are just going to hide, then I'd rather go in another direction.

Please keep us posted! :good:

same for me! let us know how they are doing L!
Really good, settled down now and move around alot more. Colours are great i would recommend them.

Sorry meant to say they stay around the bottom area of the tank.
Got back from a few days away today and have noticed a huge change in the tank and the Five Banded Barbs. The Barbs are nowhere near as skittish as before i left, i can go close up to the tank without them running away now. Also they are moving around the tank even more as well as going higher in the water. The whole tank seems a lot happier.

I made a small video below hope its ok quality.

WOW! They look great. I like how they are still tightly shoaled. I might have to keep them as plan A. The harlequins seem far less connected to each other. Everything seems to be going pretty well with your tank! Thanks for the video. :good:
hey are great looking fish im just glad they are getting better ie settling in more.

The harlequins are funny they shoal then split up into 2 groups and then go solo :D but they do shoal.

Where did you get that 3d backgrouund from, it looks great. I am thinking of using something similar for my Rio 180 so could you tell me where you got it from and how it fits together... :)

Loving the tank btw!
The background is not a 3d one mate its just a film picture.
Wow, i would have never known! Now i'm not too sure if I need one :lol: I suppose it will depend on whether I go over budget buying the other things that I will need. Thanks anyway :)
Some updated images.

6th June 2011

Full tank shot. Some good growth on the plants although the red plant on the left is looking a bit sorry for itself. Now i have the Co2 up and running i am hoping this may pick up.

In the original post you can see the difference in growth from May - June.


And a couple of the Five Banded Barbs.


And the German Blue Rams

Not the best pictures i know, sorry.

New Video - Added a new plant on the right to try and hide the filter. The plant is Echinodorus x barthii. Also i have had to move a few plants around a little as the strong flow was tearing one to pieces so i have moved it to the right aswell where its a little calmer.

Also i have moved over my fish from my 60l so i can use the smaller tank for a Fry / Hospital tank.


Cheers LP
Quick question: Any ideas on must have foods for my stock in this tank ?

Copper Harlequins, Five Banded Barbs, Peppered Cory, German Blue Rams, Hillstream Loaches, Mollies, Cardinal Tetras, latinum Tetras, Glowlight Tetras.

I currently have in the cupboard: Tetra Pro Crisps, Tetra Algae Wafers, Chichild Gold Mini Floating Pellets, Dried Bloodworm, New Era Catfish Pellets.

I mainly feed the Pro crisps and catfish pellets with a few chichild gold. Then twice a week i will feed none of those and give them frozen bloodworm or mysis or brine shrimp or daphnia.

Does this seem ok or is there a must buy that i should have for my fish ?

Tetra Prima Mini Granules go down well with my fish, small enough for most to get into their mouths. I dont use any floating pellets for my Rams, they all eat from the bottom of nab something as it drops.
New full tank shot, 2 weeks since the last one so a little growth from the plants :)

21st June 2011
Hi everyone.

Sorry for the bad english, but I'm from Scandinavia. This is my first post. Actually i just signed up; Just so I could be able to comment on this thread. Though I have been lurking here for quite some time now.

I am currently doing a fishless cycle and have reached phase 2. While I wait for the process to complete I enjoy browsing on this forum. And I found myself looking for a good fishless cycling log to see a typical cycle. Glad I found this thread. This thread has it all:
  • Very good date/time log of the water parameters which is difficult to find. It even has colors to make it easier to read :)
  • Various topics such as bog-wood, plants, filter, stocking and cycle stalling.
  • And the best part it has pictures/videos in the whole process which is very inspiring to keep patient. Really liked that this log also showed the result of all the waiting. Also think this contributes to more answears and contribution from more users here.

Now to the point. Why isn't this thread linked in the Beginners Resource Center or pinned ? Everyone who does a cycle log should use this as a template. Hopefully some moderator or such will make this happend. This thread has indeed been helpful to my cycle in some way or another.

Awesome job L_Plates and the contributers.
Hello and welcome to the forums Limb. I am glad the thread has been useful to you so far.


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