L_Plates - Fishless Cycle Log - Complete

Tank is looking great mate, nice update :) I need to do some thing about my Co2, i cant for the life of me get my drop checker up to lime green. might really have to crank it up some, how many bubs a sec were you using and how long do you have Co2 on for? Still need to get a couple of additional powerheads, should be back in stock now. Are you happy with them? Can you adjust how powerful they are?
Im currently pushing around 4 Bubbles per second. Co2 comes on at 15:30 and goes off at 21:00. Lights on at 18:00 and off at 23:00.

The Koralias are by far the best bit of kit i have purchased since taking up the hobby. Really quite and even with bits of debris stuck in there they keep chugging along without much loss of power. And they look cool as well :D

Unfortunately there is no way to adjust the power.

Im currently pushing around 4 Bubbles per second. Co2 comes on at 15:30 and goes off at 21:00. Lights on at 18:00 and off at 23:00.

The Koralias are by far the best bit of kit i have purchased since taking up the hobby. Really quite and even with bits of debris stuck in there they keep chugging along without much loss of power. And they look cool as well :D

Unfortunately there is no way to adjust the power.


Cool cheers for info, will deffinately order a couple on payday this week and might get an inline diffuser for the Co2, get rid of the unsightly ladder. :good:
Im currently pushing around 4 Bubbles per second. Co2 comes on at 15:30 and goes off at 21:00. Lights on at 18:00 and off at 23:00.

The Koralias are by far the best bit of kit i have purchased since taking up the hobby. Really quite and even with bits of debris stuck in there they keep chugging along without much loss of power. And they look cool as well :D

Unfortunately there is no way to adjust the power.


Cool cheers for info, will deffinately order a couple on payday this week and might get an inline diffuser for the Co2, get rid of the unsightly ladder. :good:

I use one of these, http://www.aquaessentials.co.uk/easy-aqua-super-mist-atomiser-large-p-5572.html really nice piece of kit but does need at least 2 bar to run. Im running mine at 2.4 bar i think.


Why was that mate ?


They were fine with apisto's unil the male turned into a pimp and soon as the female spawned fry the male went Schwarzenegger on the rams. So they went back to the LFS :sad:

Shame as they are a lovely fish. But you did whats best for them and that i like :)

BBA i asked in your threads about brine shrimp as well about where you got your brine shrimp eggs from but i don't know if you have seen it.

Evening all. Some more plants arrived today they consisted of, A mixed bag of Vallis in various sizes & Lugwigia Repens cuttings.

Now the last time i had Lugwigia Repens i managed to destroy it :( i love this plant and really hope i can keep this one alive. Hopefully now my Co2 and Ferts are better it will flourish.

Here is the plant today.

Any pointers on this would be great. I have placed it in a nice bright area of the tank.

you'll need good flow, of C02 around the plant. They are notoriously difficult to keep red. They are grown out of water, so get the C02 from the atmosphere @ 300ppm, now it's going to go down to 30ppm. Light helps, but like i say, the distribution of ferts and C02 around the plant is more important.

the tanks looking very healthy BTW! :good:
Cheers Ian, luckily the position i have placed the cuttings is in the firing line of the flow so that was a blessing :D

I will be keeping a very close eye on this plant, a VERY close eye !

Cheers Ian, LP
Hello all, time for a quick update.

The Lugwigia Repens i am happy to say is growing well ! Lets just hope it keeps growing :)

This is how the plant was when i added it to the tank - 23rd August.

And as of 5 Sep 2011 ..

Anyway .... Yesterday i removed the internal filter that came with the tank and installed a new TetraTec EX1200. I placed all the media from the old internal into the new external and all is good. I do have one query though.

The spraybar that comes with the Filter was way to small for the length of the tank so i decided to install the spraybar along the side of the tank. Here is a diagram.


I have tried to keep the flow going in an anti clockwise direction around the tank as i hope you can decipher from my dodgy photoshop image :)

Does this set up look ok ? or is there anything you would recommend i change ? I have never seen a spraybar installed this way before, i am sure people have i just do not remember seeing any on the forum. The flow is looking good with nice movement around all the plants. And a good surface ripple as well. Only one thing i do see is my Amazon Frogbit taking a bit or a battering from the flow.

Here is a quick video so you can see the flow around the tank.


Oh and a couple of random images for you :)

Under my tank.

Doing a water change.

Any comments and suggestions are very welcome.

Its all looking really healthy as well. Is that a 3D background or a pic?

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