L_Plates - Fishless Cycle Log - Complete

My current stock is, 20 Copper Harlequins, 12 Five Banded Barbs, 6 Peppered Cory, 4 Rams, 4 Hillstream Loaches, 3 Assassin Snails

Surely this is close to max ? I take it you are meaning my tank ?
Corys, bottom feeders, Rams, mostly bottom dwelling, loaches, the same and snails, well, the same.

Harlequins very small fish, very low bioload. Personally, i believe you could add a dozen more barbs and have a pretty amazing looking school, or another school of fish.

I have no mid water fish in my tank at the moment, im pondering 30 rummynose :|
Good to know for future :)

Rummynose are a nice looking fish. When i was in the LFS i was so close to getting some Red Eye Tetra, it was one of the less nippy type but for the life of me i cannot remember what it was. Maybe have a look into them really good looking fish.
Red eye tetra are not nice fish imo, there isnt anything attractive about them at all :angry: I had a couple (which came with the tank unfortunately) and they were certainly agressive little gits but i couldnt bring myself to buy more of them so i got rid.

My Kribs are out and about now guarding 40 odd two day old fry, i only had 4 survive from the last lot but im hoping for a better success rate this time around, which really means i just need to avoid more fish so i can let them group up big enough to then get rid down the lfs.
The guy definitely said the ones in the shop where less aggressive, i will get the name next time i go in just so i can look them up.

My rams are German Blue Rams. I believe german blue rams are ok in water from 25-29 from what i read. Hopefully this is correct !


i was told when kept in lower temps such as yours, their immune system is weakened making them more subceptible to health issues. the lowest range being 28. I have mine right around 28 now and finding its usually the limiting factor when considering other fish.

this is what SbS said when i was asking about mine couple weeks back
I also agree with the comments on temperature, what other fish are in the tank OP? ramirezi ideally should be kept between 28-32oC, lower temperatures can suppress their immune system leaving them susceptible to disease.
Cheers CA, i will crank up the temp a little and keep my on the hillstreams. Always learning.

yeah, im thinking about possibly selling the GBR on, and getting a couple bolivians instead since their temp range is more normal for other fish. 28+ seems to limit me on almost every fish i consider putting in my tank.
Im up the temp to 27 and see how things go.

Bolivians are nice, but there is just that something extra about GBRs
I have not kept either of these nice cichlids so am not a direct source but over time I've certainly notice that people say that the Bolivians are the easier to keep of the two and that the GBRs, although really beautiful, definately usually need more careful care. I know for sure that part of that care is pristine water, kept really clean and one of the other things was temperature.

Cheers WD, hopefully i can do these beautiful fish justice by helping supply the best living conditions for them whilst also looking after the others needs as well.

Any update on the five banded barbs? I am very seriously considering them, as like you I love the look of the tigers, but don't enjoy their reputation. The five-banded seem ideal, but only if they are in the midwater. If they are just going to hide, then I'd rather go in another direction.

Please keep us posted! :good:

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