Kkaannee's Juwel Rio 300 - Upgrade

Thanks Biulu

I actually wish I could get some more of the grey rock too, want to smash up some little pieces

Possibly put some anubias nana/petit in front of the wood but behind the rocks? There is a gap that needs filling
I have a couple bits of 2inch wood that I could use to plant on the anubias, probably should have said... I could then cover the wood with the gravel

I really want to break up the green vallis with something red, I tried alternanthera before and it got trashed, I don't know any easy to keep red plants apart from tiger lotus'
Been to the LFS yest, Ive picked up a pair of pelvicachromis pulcher 'super red'. At the moment they are only 2.5" with the female being slightly smaller, interested to see how they colour up as they look very similar to normal kribs currently, i've got some stargrass on its way to me, always wanted to try it, not sure how its going to fair yet

Have you tried H. polysperma 'rosanervig'? It isn't that red but the pinkish veins in the leaves make for a nice contrast.

Couldnt seem to find it readily available :S although it looked very nice
Tank looks great! really like the open space in your tank. your vallis has grown really well! love tiger barbs would love them in my tank again but i want a nice community.
Cheers mate

My Vallis is doing well but I did struggle with it for a while, just impatient I think.

I really like my tigers, first time Ive kept them and am finding them much more peaceful than I anticipated, but they've got a big tank and a decent school so is pretty much perfect for them I guess

Ive just finished making some Coconut Caves for the kribs, was pretty fun actually, got some moss coming from David (minnnt) so will upload some pics when completely finished
Small update

The kribs have settled nicely now and the female has been excavating her cave, 24 hours of digging gets you this


And just a quick FTS, ive just planted some hygrophila corymbosa behind the stargrass to the left, hopefully that side will start filling out nicely now

Love that 2nd photo.

The blue of the rocks really stands out.
I don't think the Hygro that we both got is Corymbosa.or rather it's Corymbosa Angustifola
You are correct, i didn realise there was a different corymbosa, this one is the one I know of as corymbosa, its obviously Angustifolia, cheers for enlightening me

Im gonna pull up all my sag from the back and place it at the front, will fill it out more i think - in and around the rocks
i really like this mate, we have some really good up and coming aquascapers on here at moment. Keep it up, you certainly know how to grow plants and not algae. :good:
Means a lot Ian, cheers

I mean, this has taken longer than expected to get it here because im so low tech with it all but im finally seeing some results as the plants are looking healthy etc, I was going to consider dosing some all in one fert, I only use root tabs at the moment you see wwhich I've just run out of, but I don't want to send my tank out of balance..

Should just mention it needs to be something that will last too, value wise as this is a 300l tank
the good thing about tabs is that they do slowly leach into the water column as well as add to the root if needed. The TNC plugs are good value for money. They do the job as well. :good:

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