Jtnova's Marine Journal (Rip!)

boo seffie!

I think they are awesome looking compared to other shoaling fish (chromis)! Anthias will be too big for my tank.

My final addition(s) to the tank will be a yellow tang and some sort of dwarf angel... leaning towards a coral beauty.

Will not be persuing a mandarin since i think the cleaner shrimp and cardinals will steal all of it's food.
boo seffie!

I think they are awesome looking compared to other shoaling fish (chromis)! Anthias will be too big for my tank.

My final addition(s) to the tank will be a yellow tang and some sort of dwarf angel... leaning towards a coral beauty.

Will not be persuing a mandarin since i think the cleaner shrimp and cardinals will steal all of it's food.

Doubt the cardinals will steal the mandy food - mandy will pick at the rocks and surfaces, Cardinals just 'hang there'

Seffie x
hmmmmmmmm interesting.

They do hang out like a gang, maybe i will name their group the "bloods" or "crips"... or maybe "latin kings"

edit, i wrote dong instead of do hahahaha
Got some new corals, mostly zoas, but 2 i need id's on. I got em for free from a local forum.

edit: I think this is GSP?

maybe a neon ricordia?
Got some new corals, mostly zoas, but 2 i need id's on. I got em for free from a local forum.

edit: I think this is GSP?

It's a star polyp of some form, not neccisarily green though, unless the green is more visible in real life, than in that photo ;)
maybe a neon ricordia?

Possible, will have to wait for it to come out properly first though to see...

All the best
thanks rabs,

they aren't super green like GSP, so they probably arent gsp.

Do all star polyps grow as fast as GSP?
More updates!

First, I finally got my calcium and KH test kits, my stats are:

Calcium: 420 ppm
GH/KH: 125.3 ppm
Are these stats good, if not, how do i correct them? Also, what other tests should i be doing? magnesium? alk?

So... what you really came for:
Meet my newest inhabitant, the green open brain coral!

The pictures don't do it justice, it's sooo much brighter green in life (these are taken under actinics + 1x250w 15000k MH)

being acclimated

first added

today when i got home

What do you guys think? I'm gunna feed him later this week when he gets more used to the tank. He is on the substrate and I have my metal halides on on that side of the tank only to get it some extra light. The photoperiod is 4 hours a day, 8-10 AM and then again 5-7 PM. This is to cut down on the heat gain from the halides.

4x54W actinics (2 blue, 2 white) on for 11 hours, 8 AM - 7 PM.

And introducing! bartleby! hims sleepy
I was loving the brain coral until I saw Bartleby - he is gorgeous, how did he get his name?

Seffie x
Sorry if this is a little late my first time scanning over this journal. The little 'bug' thing is an amphipod they can grow to 10mm in length and are prefectly harmless. Have you noticed a material like a spider's web in the tank? This is the fine silk-like material they produce for forming a home; they typically find leaves of algae and kelp and use this material to stick the egdes of the leaves together to form a tube. These form great places for the females to raise the young. Quite a fascinating little species.....

Hope this helps

As a matter of fact crazy, i have seen spiderweb looking things when the goby stirs up sand! Thanks for that ID!

Seffie, he got his name from the movie dogma. I also want to get a husky named Loki, so they will be bartelby and loki.

Also, bit of sad news except to seffie, my 3 cardinals died :(
It's ok, they were new enough that I wasn't attached to them.

I did have a 4 year old rainbow shark that died recently. He was a trooper, made it through 3 tank transfers, a move, conditions not made for him because i couldn't catch him etc.

4 years is a long time for him to live though, so i attribute it to old age.

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