Jtnova's Marine Journal (Rip!)

try and get your self a small chalk/blue cheek goby for the sand but make sure its a small one as it will turn over the sand for makes life so much easier

tank looks good mate

regards scott
I was going to get a watchman goby, would that take care of the sand? I am open to more goby choices or multiple gobies.
watchman gobys are very territorial so be careful it i would add the blue cheek first then add the watchman but tthe watchman will just hid not look after the sand

regards scott
ok, thanks for the suggestion scott! I will look into it, I was also thinking about getting a fighting conch to keep the sand turned over.

I haven't seen a blue cheek goby at my LFS, but i also haven't been looking so who knows!

Will a watchman goby's territorial behavior be a problem even in a 90g?
Yes, common hitchhikers - be careful of brightly coloured ones though, keep your eye on that yellow one zipzap

Seffie x

whats wrong with the bightly coloured ones?
i've got some little bright pink ones that look like their shells are covered in corraline.

The brightly coloured ones are sometimes coral munchers

Seffie x
hey a bit of an update!

I got a fighting conch to help turn my sand over! How big do they get? It looks so small!

Also, i ordered a yellow watchman goby and a hi fin red banded goby. The watchman was out of stock, so just have the hi fin chilling in qt for a week or 2.

He doesn't eat very much, and i thought he would like to burrow in the sand, but he is just hiding under some live rock.

It's hard to take pics of him, but I will try if he ever comes out!

I have been feeding enriched brine shrimp, but he doesn't seem to be eating any of it.. I read taht sometimes they don't eat for up to a week when first introduced to a tank. Any other ideas of what to feed? cyclopeez maybe?

One of the blue legs in a big shell!

Hammer coral in it's new(final) place, it seems happy!

Blue leg hermies fighting

Yes you can be jealous at the color of my rock


close up of the zoos

Lovely photos, thanks for sharing :good: and yes jealous of the colour of that rock, you just don't want all your rock looking like that though as it cuts down the filter rate

The photos, one looks like a peanut worm, has it got a little fan coming out the top?

Seffie x

I went to my LFS last night and got 3 bengai/kaudern cardinals as my shoaling fish and a diamond goby to keep my sand turned over, which I must say he is doing a FANTASTIC job of. All of my cyano is gone and i'm left with pristine white sand! He did cause a bit of a dust storm in the tank, but now that's settled.

I would recommend a diamond goby to everyone, they are awesome to watch sift through sand!

here are some pics:


the transparent bug looks like a top down shot of a shrimp of some kind. pefectly good to have, but will probably get eaten by your fish!
Lovely goby :good: shame about the cardinals :p (don't forget to add your cardinal and goby pictures to the fish of the week threads, pretty pleeese

Seffie x

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