Josh's Marine Adventure!

The only thing is, before the end of the year I want to upgrade to a 24x24x24 cube, I'd be shutting down the 125 in doing so and being able to transfer lights would save me in the long run!

If your going with a 2 foot deep cube you may well want to get the halide as they have better penetration at depth.

£29.99 is a bit pricey for bangaiis, if your buying a pair(make sure they are a pair) try offering £50 for the two, that will still be a tidy profit for the LFS and in the current economic situation they will most likely take it :good: (I never pay full price at the 3 LFS I frequent on anything expensive :hey: )

Firefish are very shy, if theres anything in the tank that will pick on them they will likely hide up in the rockwork, so they need very placid tankmates.

yeah i completely agree with Johnny,

MH may be more expensive to run, but if you are going to be upgrading then it'll save you buying more lights in the future, it will also open more doors as regards stocking, e.g. sps, clams etc.

firefish are very shy and spook easily! however i have heard that the purple ones are braver than the normal red coloured ones.
Yeah they both seem to be relatively docile fish, so I guess it's not of great importance the order for them, I'll just get one or the other for now and stock up on corals for a while..I don't want to be fully stocked of fish straight away!!

Yeah I think he's settled in now for sure, scared me to death today lol, I went aip killing and he decided to clean my hand just as I was pushing the syringe, I jumped so bad :p

Decided on my upgrade tank for summer already :drinks:

Thanks Tina, be lost without your help lol :friends: :blush:

That really is OK, I have been helped over the last few months, this is my chance to give a little of that back. I am no expert at all, I have however done a hell of a lot of reading and am happy to share what I have learnt as are so many others on here. People may not always agree totally but usually people will give their experiences so that you can then decide for yourself.

It is nice to give help to someone that listens aswell, so many people ask and then do the opposite, or you find they are asking after the event. So much easier to assist someone that does listen.

In Marines it also seems to me to be a constant learning curve, you always find there is something else you can learn or that some new product or research has opened up new doors. I really do look at at my 4ft freshwater now and think, how amazing could that look if it was marine.

I am due compensation and expenses from this accident at work, I am tempted to just get a large purpose built tank and sump once I have that rather then convert the 55g as I intended. Marines always seem to make you think 3 or 4 steps ahead. Look at us, not even mature nano's and we are looking at larger tanks already!!

:good: so long as you dont mind lol :p I definitely prefer to research before than make mistakes and learn from them! Yeah that'll be good when you get compensation then, the best of both worlds, and if you get a large cube it still doesn't take up too much room!
The only thing is, before the end of the year I want to upgrade to a 24x24x24 cube, I'd be shutting down the 125 in doing so and being able to transfer lights would save me in the long run!

If your going with a 2 foot deep cube you may well want to get the halide as they have better penetration at depth.

£29.99 is a bit pricey for bangaiis, if your buying a pair(make sure they are a pair) try offering £50 for the two, that will still be a tidy profit for the LFS and in the current economic situation they will most likely take it :good: (I never pay full price at the 3 LFS I frequent on anything expensive :hey: )

Firefish are very shy, if theres anything in the tank that will pick on them they will likely hide up in the rockwork, so they need very placid tankmates.


If MH works out a better long term buy then I'd rather that than have to shell out a couple hundred quid again further down the line!

Funny you should say about 2 for 50, that's the deal they do! Agree with you on haggling down a little bit :good: worthwhile for sure!

My only worry with a FF would be getting it out to feed at first, guess I'll make my decision later, although it may be on hold with my clowns current state :crazy:

yeah i completely agree with Johnny,

MH may be more expensive to run, but if you are going to be upgrading then it'll save you buying more lights in the future, it will also open more doors as regards stocking, e.g. sps, clams etc.

firefish are very shy and spook easily! however i have heard that the purple ones are braver than the normal red coloured ones.

Cheers Rob, think you're both winning me around to the MH route right now!! Purple ones are seriously nice looking fish, would wait and get one of them over the standard red :good:
If MH works out a better long term buy then I'd rather that than have to shell out a couple hundred quid again further down the line!

Funny you should say about 2 for 50, that's the deal they do! Agree with you on haggling down a little bit worthwhile for sure!

My only worry with a FF would be getting it out to feed at first, guess I'll make my decision later, although it may be on hold with my clowns current state

MH may be better for you in the long run, the 24" deep tanks require decent lighting.

What do you mean you clowns current state, is anything wrong??

The help is no problem honest, and I would go for bigger than a cube, more in the 5ft region.
there are pro's and cons to all lighting solotions.

But on anything 2' or deeper id probably go down the metal halide route myself.

They penetrate deeper than T5's a 2' cube will be easily lit by one halide. Thats one bulb you have to replace, not several like T5's. A 150W halide will cost you roughly the same to run as a 4 tube t5 unit anyway.
the mh i was looking at was an arcadia classica pendant with moonlights built in, seems pretty good for 170ish pounds! Think il go down this route for the future upgrade :)

i made a topic on the clowns in marine chitchat, bit worrying :( hope it pulls through! Il update on any change as it happens.
i'd keep an eye on the classifieds section on here and on UR as alot of people are flogging their halides at the moment, and you could pick up a really good deal!
for example my 400w giessemann with actinics was just £200.
As you may have seen in my other topic, I've come home from LFS and found my clown has died :sad: its so sad, I came in to find it curled up on the sand with the other gently nudging it in a 'come on, wake up let's play' way :( :(

As all stats were fine (double checked by LFS to be sure) I bought a banggai, hes about 2" long and got him for £24.99 and I also bought 1.25kg of LR for £10 with a big handful of chaeto for free! I'll be going back there I think :good:
i would FW dip all new stock after acclimatization but before introducing into the tank. i would also keep an eye on all current stock
Hmm interesting, small container of RO, add baking soda to raise PH, get up to temp, put fish in for 3-4 mins...that sound right?

There was never a sign of disease on the clown that died, it showed no symptoms except the slightly lowered top fin, no spots, no flicking!
i would FW dip all new stock after acclimatization but before introducing into the tank. i would also keep an eye on all current stock
Hmm interesting, small container of RO, add baking soda to raise PH, get up to temp, put fish in for 3-4 mins...that sound right?

There was never a sign of disease on the clown that died, it showed no symptoms except the slightly lowered top fin, no spots, no flicking!
1 minute will be fine, im doing this with all my stock.

any parasite will be in osmotic shock with in 30-45 seconds.

internal parasites could be possible, just watch them carefully.
Will do, thanks dude! He's been dipped, I actually took him out after just over a minute as he flopped onto his side, he came around again (i placed him straight into the tank at this point) and now looks fine in the tank :) don regret him one bit, beautiful fish!! Going to have to find me another occ clown now :(
getting my banggai this weekend! cannot wait! got any pics :shifty:

if you buy another clown, buy the smallest one you can find so the one you have now will grow into a female problem free

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