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Indeed, I know they are good sulkers and dont like moving but its like he is making himself sick!
Maybe he's just a real Wuss - can fish get panic attacks? or agoraphobia? Maybe he's afraid of wide open spaces? LOL
have you tested the water from the tap? there maybe something in there ?

wow to have it happen once was bad enough for you, i know i was terrified when similar happened to jambo, i think the conclusion was the heater was to low

wish we could get to the bottom of this :/
Tap water is also used in 3 other tanks - including the one they've moved from so shouldn't be that.

I wish I could fathom it, next step it to consider new filter media and re-cycling the tank :( (really don't want to do this on such a big tank)
what filter is it?
did u move the filter over to the new tank? and did u clean it off first?
i ask because i had a tetratec that i forgot to clean the bucket bit of when i moved jambo and 2 large clown loaches into there new tank, i primed the filter and stuff like broken up prawns shot thru the spray bar and killed one clown loach instantly- they were in perfect health that that moment,just a thought tho of course
Filters have been running on the tank for about a year - fx5 and aquaone 1200 (they get cleaned about every 6 weeks not both at the same time - going to clean one today and the other next week, couldn't move the tetratec off the 4ft as still got fish in there.

Water stats are still all good but going to do daily water changes for the next few days.
hi mate, this is very strange, and you bagged and refloated them, um did they get knocked when you moved them?
also as shela stated have you checked that your heater has not got a crack or split at them seam?
what temp are you at?maybe drop it to 25-26c and see what happen' said preform some daily waterchanges's...leave the lights off and hopefully in a few days they will be ok, iam not up on columnaris so would not know the sympton's...

have they eaten at all, can you lay your hands on live feeder shrimp from lfs, just to see what they do with them in the tank,
Hi' all,

Just a quick question , is there any difference between wild oscars and normal ones? place near me sells wild ones for £8 at around 3 inch
Lost Shadow and Ghost looks on the way out :( think if he goes that's me done. :byebye:
Hi' all,

Just a quick question , is there any difference between wild oscars and normal ones? place near me sells wild ones for £8 at around 3 inch
what makes you think they are wild ones?

bloody hell love, im so sorry for you, ur tests till normal etc etc?
Hi' all,

Just a quick question , is there any difference between wild oscars and normal ones? place near me sells wild ones for £8 at around 3 inch
yes wild oscars should come directly from the wild to the shop, eight pounds id say is a bargain but can you know its really wild

Lost Shadow and Ghost looks on the way out :( think if he goes that's me done. :byebye:
no way mate, my lord i cannot understand this at all, anything goes into this tank has a prob?
do you feel anything strange when you place your arm in tank with filter and heater running?any odd sensations?
That's the thing, the 2 gourami and clarias are fine :( they've been in there ages. No odd sensations, no smells nothing. heaters working as normal, nothing else new added.

Lost a load of plecs last year to a broken heater so I'm paranoid about them!

Reckon I may sell up this tank, nowt but trouble with it lately.

He's just gone.

I think he gave up when Shadow died this morning as until then he was fighting.
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