Join The Oscar Club, Its Just For Fun

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OMG, thats terrible news, Im so sorry, cant believe it, but it has to be something in the tank, either leeching from the silicone or something else.

Poor Shadow and Ghost :(
16" clarias - he's lived happily with opaline gourami and the kissing gourami for about a year (though he was only 6" at the start lol)

Shelagh I am gutted, maybe I'm not destined to have an oscar at all. Thanks for all the help you guys.
hey dont think like that, its certainly not anything youve done took fab care of those fish, whatever is killing them is something you cant see or smell,minx is probably right,something maybe seeping out of somewhere in the tank

how are the lights on it?? does anything seem to be leaking from them? anything in the room that could effect them ( plug ins etc? ) i know they are sposed to be tough fish but it maywell just be something that they were sensitive to in particular :/
mate do not give up on keeping fish, what about a different avenue of fish :good:
maybe it was just because the were moved, you know how oscars sulk and sometime's they can die from stress, maybe like you say one got stressed and died, the other missed its mate and died,my oscar did exsact same thing when one died it was never same again and gave up the ghost shortly after, like humans when a couple has been married for 30+ YEARS i have seen one die, shortly after the other dies its as if they just give up and body n brain know's this

arr shela thats good thinking
Hey up until you put them in that tank, they were doing great, so dont think you cant keep them, because you can and very well to I might add.

Give yourself some time to get over this and then think again about what you want to keep. In the meantime, maybe move the clarius and other out to the 4ft, then strip it down completely, bleach wash it out, clean out the filters etc and cycle it from scratch, might be worth a try.
Like snakeheads? LOl

Nah, I'm thinking of downsizing this tank and looking for something unusual, or 1 oscar in a new tank. Don't want to give up completely.

Thanks for the kind works Shelagh and Minx, maybe it is something that the other fish have toughened up to?
your more than welcome :) you know we are here to support you in what ever direction you go ( even if you decide you dont want another oscar)

BUT im afraid its against the law the retire from the club!! nelly has bought some very fast new trainers from primark and he can be in manchester in a matter of mins to "gently pursuade " you back ;)

and anyway more to the point the club needs you, you always give good advice and thats what we need... if you go we`ll have to depend on the nutter himself to keep us inline, and lord help us
Its compulsory to remain a member, we wont let you go without a fight and nobody deserves to be left with just his lordship for company, not even your worst enemy :p
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